Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Gerry!

I couldn't ask for a better husband, best friend and dad for my kids! Gerry is so thoughtful and caring! He works so hard for our family to have everything we need and more! I truely am blessed to have him in my life! I'd be lost without him! Thanks for everything Gerry! I love you! Happy Birthday!
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Early Christmas!

My kids were so good this year Santa Claus came early! Just kidding. Since we will be going to Utah in less then a week, today was the only day we had clear to celebrate Christmas with the kids. We do Santa's gifts here in CA so we don't have to haul all of those presents back and forth! So last night was our Christmas Eve. We had a nice dinner, decorated a gingerbread house, read the Christmas story, and opened pj's (tradition)! Also Zach gave us his gifts that he bought at his school's little Christmas shop. He is so thoughtful! He got Gerry a MVP dad baseball, where Zach signs for his biggest fan! So cute. Then he got me a glass heart ornament that said Mom. Then for Lauren he bought her a pink ball. He said I even got her favorite color! What a sweetheart! It was a very nice night!

Christmas morning came too early with Zach dragging Lauren out of bed. She is like her mom and not the most chipper morning person! After seeing a couple presents opened she was very happy! The kids were thrilled with all their presents. The Ben 10 watch was a hit! (Zach has been asking for it). I love how Lauren would get more excited about the little cheapy gifts then the more expensive ones! It was so fun to see them excited! And of course Gerry spoiled me as always! Thanks Gerry! I always feel like I am trying to keep up with him but never can. He is sweet!

It's always nice to remember thetrue meaning of Christmas, and so with celebrating several times it will be a great reminder for us all!

Now we are off to get ready to celebrate Gerry's birthday which is tomorrow! Gerry is out with his buddies for a free round of birthday golf! Can't pass that up! I better get things ready! I love the holidays! I hope you all are enjoying the Christmas season!

Thought I would share some pictures~

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Morning!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No messing around!~

I Zach's pictures! They are the best! Here is Zach's letter and picture to Santa! We get right to the point, no sweet talk, just I want you to bring the Ben 10 watch and Ben 10 nintendo. No messing around here!
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So long my...glasses!

I know...I know this picture is totally hot of myself! I was testing the timer on my camera. Funny me!But I had to post my very last picture taken with my glasses! You won't be seeing them on me anymore! Sad...this is how they look now!We were taking family pictures for our Christmas cards. We were all ready for the picture, Gerry pressed the timer and came to sit by me, we heard a crunch, Gerry said, "there goes someones present!" and we all smiled. Well after the picture we found it wasn't someones present, which probably would be cheaper replacing. It was my glasses that I had taken off just before we took the picture. Oppse! Oh well I was over due for new glasses. However I loved these ones, they were nice and strong for when the kids got rowdy and when Lauren throws her normal melt down in the store, she always reaches right for my glasses! Oh well. We did however get some cute pictures. Which I guess I will have to say it was worth it!

Friday, December 7, 2007


I am on a roll...2 posts in 1 day! Zach cracks me up! He loves to be in his underwear! It's winter and cold! Okay... nothing compared to Utah cold! At night it gets chilly. Still Zach much rather wear his underwear over anything. This is how I found him doing his homework! I think it is so funny! I have to laugh, because I guess I am just used to it, but Gerry always tells him to get some clothes on. Especially if we are sitting down to eat. I don't know why it doesn't faze me! It does make me laugh! Zach would die if he knew I post this! He gets a little embarrassed if people other then the family see him, but I couldn't resist!

New Addition~

Life has been so crazy lately. Just to give you an idea, we put our Christmas tree up about 2 weeks ago and it still has no lights or decor. Sad, huh? We have planned numerous times to decorate it as a family...I think it should be a family ordeal, more fun! But other things come up. So that is why it's taken so long to announce the big news! We are adding on to our family! Funny you might think I am announcing I am pregnant...not a chance. (one day!)
Our new addition is our pug, Tobi!
He is a year old, potty trained, has an adorable under bite, hyper as can be, weighs almost as much as Lauren, and is adorable. My mother-in-law's pug is the mommy. The original people who bought Tobi from my Mother-in-law can no longer keep Tobi. So we are adopting! It's been a little crazy! I have only had a pet 1 time before, and that lasted a week. So it's some adjusting. The 2nd day we had him, I wasn't sure I was up to being a pet owner! Tobi started puking and wouldn't stop. So I had to take him to the vet. They thought I was crazy, because I have no clue on dogs. I told them my 2 kids have survived, so I can't be that bad. Of course they tried to get me to buy all these medicines. It's funny because I would have done anything a few weeks ago when I had to take Lauren to the ER for the same thing. They had nothing to really help Lauren. However at the vet they had a million of things that cost a fortune. Anyway, Tobi is all better. He is so cute. Lots of work. I am not a fan of the dog hair all over my house. I honestly thought it was nothing taking care of a dog. My mother-in-law makes it looks so easy. I have no idea how her house is so clean with a dog. So I am learning. Of course Tobi is Zach's "best friend!" Lauren is getting better with him. We drove the dog home from Utah and it was in between the kids, and Lauren would scream every time Tobi looked at her. She kept saying "caca" (sick). Remember the drive is about 12 hours with kids. Long day of screaming! It will get easier...let's hope!! We are happy to have Tobi part of our family!
*In the pictures, Tobi's eye's look crazy from the flash on my camera. He isn't crazy, just a hyper little thing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Clinton Jacob Hill

This past weekend was a very sad one. One of Gerry's closest friends, Clint Hill passed away from cancer. Gerry met Clint back on their mission when they were companions and have continued to stay close since then. I met Clint about 5 1/2 years ago when Gerry and I were dating. We had some fun times with Clint. He was such a sweet, fun, and kind guy. He always had the biggest smile and could make you laugh. Him and his wife Catherine lived in Idaho and Arizona, so we haven't been able to see them like we would like to. Our hearts have ached since March this year when Clint was diagnosed. We were looking forward to seeing him and Catherine at Christmas, but unfortunately Clint passed away November 26Th. Clint never let on that he was in pain and continued to stay strong. We are deeply sorry for the loss of such a great friend. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Catherine and family. Although it's such a sad thing, I am so glad we were able to go to Idaho to attend the funeral services. They brought much peace and comfort knowing Clint is no longer suffering. We are blessed to know Clint, he was such a great friend to Gerry. Clint and the great memories will never be forgotten!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Zach's funny and sweet thoughts

Today we were in the car on our way to go shopping. The kids were jamming to their favorite song, "POP" from the Music and Lyrics soundtrack. Zach was singing away, when the song was over, he said "If the Ben 10 watch (Ben 10 is a cartoon where a boy has a watch that transforms him into aliens or something) is real, then I choose that over being a singer!" I wanted to laugh because he has been begging me to tell Santa to get him the "Real" Ben 10 watch, so he can be transformed. What was even funnier or I guess is sweet is that he wants to be a singer. I never knew he wanted to be a singer. I couldn't laugh because it would hurt his feelings. I just thought that was so funny. *little side note...if he sings anything like me, there is no chance of either of them happening!

Tonight after Zach had said his prayers he came in the living room and said, "Mom, I prayed that the bums could get a cheap job so they can have money." Then asked if that was nice. What a sweet little boy. His prayers always remind me of the little things, like being thankful for our furniture and clothes. He is too sweet and makes me laugh!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Before the day is over I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I was hoping to take a family picture to post. But unfortunately we were in our pj's until this afternoon...or at least I was. I was hoping this stomach flu thing was over, but it came back once again yesterday. So our Thanksgiving feast has consisted of saltines, sprite, and Lipton noodle soup! Yummy! I am so sad because my brother, his wife and new little girl, who live in Utah invited us to Thanksgiving at my sister-in-laws family, who live here in CA. But of course I couldn't take a sick family to ruin their nice dinner. Hopefully we will be better by the end of the week so I can see my new little niece.

Well I do have so many things to be thankful for! And all though today is not the way I like to celebrate Thanksgiving. I do have to remember all my many blessings! I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving! Much love!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So I have said before that Lauren's speech has been delayed due to having 11 ear infections the 1st 18 months of her life. Once she finally got tubes put in her ears and we started her in speech therapy, her vocabulary has started to develop. As she is still learning, her speech is sometimes a bit hard to understand. For the longest time she has said "ssss" for yes. We have known that meant yes, however just recently she has started to say "nah" which sounds like nah for no. But what she is trying to say is yeah. So instead of saying "sss" we now get Lauren's version of yeah. Funny little thing. I thought I would share a few more of Lauren's vocabulary.

caca= gross

Hello= telephone

nah= yeah

bock bock= bird

ssss= yes

dink= drink

ease= please

blue= every color

meow= cat

brrrrm (car sound)= car

beee= woobie (blanket)

dah= done

doo= thank you

And when I say I love you, Lauren will kiss the air which means I love you!

What a sweet little girl. It's so cute to hear her little voice. And it's fun to watch not
only her speech grow but her little personality!


So did I not jinx myself about throwing up? After my last post I said how much I hate it! Well my entire family (the whole 4 of us!) got the stomach flu. Awful!! It hit Lauren on Friday, then on Monday morning Zach and Gerry got it. And at this time Lauren still had it bad! So bad that I had to take her into the ER! She is our tiny little girl and so seeing her eat nothing since Thursday night and loosing every ounce of liquids in her body, scared the crap out of me. Lauren only weighed 20 pounds at the ER. and she is 2 1/2 years old. That is skinny. The doctors asked if anyone in the family is skinny like this! That means they obviously didn't think I was skinny. Sad. Anyway! I ended up getting sick this morning but am feeling better with a diet coke! So I think everything is on the up and up. Lauren got hit the hardest. and it was so sad to watch the kids and Gerry feel so awful! Both kids and Gerry are now smiling and hopefully we can gain our appetite back for Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I have been tagged by Diana.

The rules: Each player list 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags six more people.

Well lets see...

1. One thing about myself is I hate throwing up more than anything. Gross I know. And this is so fresh on my mind, because I have been catching Laurens throw up all day. Poor little thing. I feel so bad for her, but I don't want to get too close because I would rather have any other sickness, cold, flu, strep anything but puking. I honestly can not stand it. I get all shaking and want to pass out, because I HATE...I mean HATE throwing up. Which now brings me to...

2. I am so paranoid of eating expired food. Funny that I actually read another friend's blog who said the same thing. And I honestly thought I was the only smart person. I have never known any other person who felt so strongly about this. I have to throw out anything that expires. I will NOT eat it a day after. This really makes Gerry mad, especially when I ask him to take out the garbage which now contains what was just our entire fridge. I know there are somethings that can still last after the expiration date and that is just the "sell by date", but it's not worth it to get sick on. I rather be safe then sorry!

3. I am terrified of spiders. I have always been. My biggest phobia is walking into one hanging from the ceiling. Which I have done. I check the ceiling every night before bed to make sure there are none to be found. For some reason I attract spiders. And living in California where it never freezes them or something means they are everywhere. I honestly can't sleep in the same room if I find one that night. In our last apartment one crawled across my face while I was lying in bed. And I honestly slept on our couch for a month and a 1/2. Luckily it's a hide-a-bed. Gerry soon realized I was not joking and joined me in the living room until finally he couldn't take the hard thing anymore! I can' t handle spiders. Just talking about them makes me crawl. My poor kids are learning the same phobia. Poor little Zach is now terrified of them. What to do?

4. I am a terrible cook. I would enjoy it if when I was all done slaving in the kitchen, it actually tasted good. But it rarely happens. I sometimes will add the wrong thing or I over cook it because I am paranoid of eating raw meat. Either way, I am not good at it! There are a few things I can make but we get so sick of the same thing. So my solution is to just go out to eat. But that gets old to. So I am always looking for new recipes. So go ahead and share!

5. I am a bad liar. I am not just saying I am this great honest person. I mean I can't lie. I can't make up a lie or fib. Not that I want to, but back when I used to work, I would want to call in and my lies would come out like, "my dog ate my keys." And I didn't even have a dog. Gerry laughs at me because he can always tell I am making something up, because I come up with the dumbest things!

6. I am not a morning person. I used to think it was because my sister or dad would come in singing in the morning to wake me up (Thanks Dad and Malinda, I do miss those mornings!) but I have found out no matter what I am waking up to, I am just a little testy and cranky in the morning. I am not a chipper morninger! It's probably because I love the quiet nights when the kids are so peacefully asleep in their bed. I just can't get enough of the quiet hours when I get to watch my favorite shows with Gerry, scrapbook, read a good book or blog. I am defiantly a night owl.

Well that was fun. It's taken about 5 hours to finally get all that done. but very fun. Thanks for tagging me!

I am tagging Holly Snow, Noelle Marui, Joy Osmond, Jamie Waldram, Lindsay Clements, and Rachel Ball. I am excited to see your post!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Add on to last post!

So I have to add a little comment to my last post. I know kind of annoying. but I was talking to a girl (I guess we are no longer girls...a lady) in the ward yesterday at that same park. Of course I commented on the warning sign, and the lady told me that a family in our ward lives right close by that park and I guess there has been about 7-8 times that they have looked in there back yard to find a mama bear and cubs cooling off in their swimming pool and drinking it. Insane, huh? I couldn't believe that. I can't imagine finding bears in my backyard. I would die! I couldn't believe it that sign isn't a joke. Anyway, I thought I would share.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Park warning!

It was so fun to have Zach out of school yesterday for the holiday. We decided to go to lunch and go play at the park! I haven't quite got used to the area, so it took awhile driving around to finally find a park. But we did! These pictures I took with my cell, so they aren't the best. But I had to take a picture of this warning sign. The sign says to beware of bears and rattlesnakes and how you should not disturb them or they will defend themselves. Insane. I honestly questioned if we should keep driving to find another park. I tend to be a little paranoid. but I really couldn't believe what I was reading in LA county. Do people actually put their kids in this kind of danger....I did! I just thought this was a crazy sign. Zach also thought it was a bit crazy and told me that I better stay by him. He quickly got over that. He is just a slight mama's boy! We did end up safe and had a great time at the park. However I haven't quite got used to the weather being so warm in November. My poor kids I dressed in long sleeves and Lauren even in a turtle neck. We quickly noticed it was shorts and T-shirt weather. However we still enjoyed the warm day at the park!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gerry's New Calling!

Okay so I have to share my funny story. Well at least I was laughing inside. At church on Sunday, one of the counselors in the bishopric stopped Gerry in the hall and said he needed to talk to him. We have been expecting to get callings, so it was no surprise. I then went to relief society and the other counselor in the bishopric came in to announce that they have now called someone to the ward Liberian. I almost started laughing out loud. Not that Gerry wouldn't make a GREAT Liberian. I just can't picture him handing out chalk. (I hope I am not offending any liberians, I think it's great, just a funny thought of Gerry being one!) And maybe this isn't funny to anyone but me. I don't know why but I am still laughing about it! Well then about 5 mins later the counselor that originally stopped Gerry in the hall, grabbed me out of relief society and talked with me and Gerry and asked if I would support Gerry in his new calling....a counselor in the young men's! Not the Liberian, but the young men's. I am excited for Gerry and his new calling. I think he will be so wonderful with the young men! I guess there is only about 14 young men. Our ward actually is really small. The ward covers 1 and 1/2 cities and still there is hardly enough members to hold all the callings. The ward we last moved from was quite large, and at 1st coming from Utah it felt small to me, but now I realize how big it was. Gerry also got his home teaching assignment, which consists of 6 families. That is a lot, I think. And the other crazy part is there isn't enough people to have home teacher companions, so he is on his own. I guess a lot of them are single women, so I will be getting to go visit with him. (Not sure how that will work out with our kids!) I also got my visiting teaching assignment which is only 3 women, but I also have no partner. I tend to be the person no one wants for their partner, because I am a slacker. I better get on the ball. The counselor said they are still trying to figure what calling to put me in. It will be exciting. I think change is fun. I thought I would share Gerry's new calling, I am excited for him!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grandma Judy!

A week ago from today, my Mom flew in to stay with us. She stayed until just a couple days ago. Of course time flew by way too quickly. It was so great to have my Mom here! The kids were thrilled to be with Grandma and kept her busy playing the entire time! My Mom wasn't into sight seeing or anything, she just wanted to spend time with us. I feel bad that it probably wasn't that exciting for her but we enjoyed every minute. If you know my mom she is a goer, my house has never been so clean, and we have never had so many cooked meals. She helped me so much. I am so thankful to have such a great mom and friend! Thank you Mom. I love you and miss you already!

(By the way these pictures were taken the same day as "Brotherly Love" post picutures. Every picture I post they are wearing the same thing! I swear they really do have more then 1 outfit! :) )

Great Quote

My Grandma sent me an email with this great quote by President Hinckley. It really touched me! I thought I would share!

Quote from Pres. Hinckley: We know not what lies ahead of us. We know not what the coming days will bring. We live in a world of uncertainty. For some, there will be great accomplishment. For others, disappointment. For some, much of rejoicing and gladness, good health, and gracious living. For others, perhaps sickness and a measure of sorrow. We do not know. But one thing we do know. Like the polar star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives. He is the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our faith.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Brotherly Love!

Today when I picked Zach up from school, he jumped in the car all excited and said to Lauren, "Guess what I got you?" I wasn't sure if he made her a picture or what. Then he pulled out a cookie in a baggie and said, "I saved my cookie from lunch for you!" What a sweetheart! I asked why and he said, "Cause I love her!" He had saved his cookie from school lunch to give his little sister. What a great brother! I thought maybe he didn't like it. but he said he hasn't even tried it! I am so happy to have such a sweet little boy. I thought about it and I still don't like to share my cookies! What a tender little guy! I am blessed to have my 2 little sweethearts! They teach me so much! And today my the lesson was on sharing!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Our Wicked Witch!
Our Fierce Ninja!

Saturday night our ward had a Halloween party. It was packed with lots of fun things. They really went all out. I wasn't expecting it. First there was a yummy chili cook off. That I participated in. When they passed around the sign up sheet at church, no one was signed up for chili. and so I felt like I should contribute. Here is my special secret recipe! Then the games began! They had a big blow up bouncer things and all sorts of games, that the kids loved! Then they decorated paper bags and then started the trunk or treat! Lauren couldn't say trick or treat, it came out more like..."MORE!" We better practice that for Halloween night. Because the thank you part isn't understandable either. Zach made some new buddies and had a blast running around with them! What a fun night we had!

Zach and his new friends!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Google Reader

I think this is going to save my marriage! Just kidding. But no really it will make my husband a happier man. He is so sick of me blogging. Why? My house is always clean! Just make sure you call before you come over!! :) Anyway, I was telling my friend the other night that Gerry hates blogs because I am on the computer all the time. What can I say, I love to hear all your fun stuff going on. Anyway my friend told me of the best invention yet. And maybe you all already know about this and I am the last. But thought I would share. Google Reader. It's amazing. It keeps track of all you blogs or whatever and lets you know when there is an update or new posting. Amazing. So I thought I would share, and if you are already using this, shame on you for never sharing. You ought to check it out! (Thanks Jessica!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Aunt Rhiannon & Uncle Clark

We were so excited to have Rhiannon and Clark come and visit us for the weekend. The kids were so happy to have their aunt and uncle here. Well Rhiannon and Clark got here Friday afternoon in time for us to go to Monrovia's weekly "street fair". The city closes down the whole street for a few blocks. It's like a farmers market, but a big deal. The street was filled with lots of places to eat, a lot of different little vendors selling clothing, jewelry, soaps, you name it. It was a lot of fun. For dinner we enjoyed the warm fresh spicy tamales, grilled corn on the cob, and freshly made kettle popcorn. It was the perfect night to be out and about. The fair also had a little petting zoo set up right in the middle of the street. Well I am too cheap to pay to have my kids go in, why would you when you can pet them through the fence for free! ha ha. I am sure the people running it weren't too impressed as I stood there taking pictures as Lauren tried to lift up the chain link fence to get the ducks. Oh well it was fun!

After the fun, we went back home and got the kids to bed for some more fun. My favorite. Game time! For some reason Gerry doesn't find it fun playing two player games with me. He must get sick of losing :)!! Anyways it's always our favorite to play games! Clark and Rhiannon taught us a new one called, Bang! Although I lost every round, I still loved every minute playing. I am a gamer. (Is that a word?) What can I say!

Then Saturday, Gerry, Clark and Rhiannon went golfing. Gerry was way excited about that. It was the perfect day to be out on the course. After they got back the kids had a blast playing baseball in the backyard until it was too dark. Later that night we went to dinner at Rosco's Chicken and Waffles. Sounds weird if you haven't been there. I was a little skeptical about the combination even after many people saying how good it is. When we got there the place was packed, which is always reassuring. Of course we had to order the famous fried chicken served with a side of yummy waffles. It was so good. Even the kids loved it. That's saying a lot. And Gerry is still talking about it. Can't beat nice greasy chicken! After dinner we went home and the kids sadly said their goodbye's since Rhiannon and Clark were leaving the next morning. We then had to get the Settler's of Catan going and enjoyed playing until late hours. All and all the weekend was a lot of fun and it was so sad to say goodbye!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Stinking Rose

On Monday Gerry took me and Lauren (no babysitter in the day) to lunch in Beverly Hills. Gerry had seen this yummy restaurant on TV (I think it was on Rachel Ray) so he thought we should try it out. When we pulled up and I saw Stinking Rose Garlic Restaurant I thought that it was an odd name, but if it was on Rachel Ray it better be good. When we got inside, I realized it is probably somewhere you would go on a date night without kids, but we figured for lunch we couldn't ruin too many peoples romantic meals. The atmosphere was so cool. It was all lit by candle light and the walls were painted in all sorts of garlic themed pictures, hence the name. Many of the tables were under their own individual tent. It was so fun. With Lauren it wasn't very romantic, but it could have been. Anyway being the garlic restaurant, we were served yummy yummy garlic rolls. And then our delicious meals came. I got chicken asparagus with spinach noddles. It was so good. It had so much flavor. Gerry got short ribs which were also very tasty. After we stuffed ourselves we thought we should try out their garlic ice cream. We usually never have room for dessert, but we thought we better try this one. Our waiter also said it was very good and lots of people like it. The menu said it was served with carmel sauce. So I thought that would take away the garlic flavor. The 1st bite I almost couldn't breath, it was so strong. I couldn't believe the waiter had lied to us. No one in their right mind could like that. I thought Lauren would like it because it was ice cream. After her 1st bite she said ew, caca and grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth, then went quickly for her drink. She refused to try another bite. It was the funniest thing to see her so grossed out by it. Gerry on the other hand had to keep eating and said it's not that bad after the 1st bite. I told him I rather pay $7.00 to not eat that! That was after he realized I didn't care if I hurt his feelings, I wasn't eating it. He quickly agreed how fowl it was. This picture they had on their website looks so good. Very deceiving!
Anyway I thought I would share our lovely lunch. Other than the ice cream the place was YUM O! (Isn't that what Rachel Ray says?) If you are ever in Beverly Hills you should give it a try! Also if you are in Beverly Hills, you better be visiting me too!