I have been tagged by Diana.
The rules: Each player list 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags six more people.
Well lets see...
1. One thing about myself is I hate throwing up more than anything. Gross I know. And this is so fresh on my mind, because I have been catching Laurens throw up all day. Poor little thing. I feel so bad for her, but I don't want to get too close because I would rather have any other sickness, cold, flu, strep anything but puking. I honestly can not stand it. I get all shaking and want to pass out, because I HATE...I mean HATE throwing up. Which now brings me to...
2. I am so paranoid of eating expired food. Funny that I actually read another friend's blog who said the same thing. And I honestly thought I was the only smart person. I have never known any other person who felt so strongly about this. I have to throw out anything that expires. I will NOT eat it a day after. This really makes Gerry mad, especially when I ask him to take out the garbage which now contains what was just our entire fridge. I know there are somethings that can still last after the expiration date and that is just the "sell by date", but it's not worth it to get sick on. I rather be safe then sorry!
3. I am terrified of spiders. I have always been. My biggest phobia is walking into one hanging from the ceiling. Which I have done. I check the ceiling every night before bed to make sure there are none to be found. For some reason I attract spiders. And living in California where it never freezes them or something means they are everywhere. I honestly can't sleep in the same room if I find one that night. In our last apartment one crawled across my face while I was lying in bed. And I honestly slept on our couch for a month and a 1/2. Luckily it's a hide-a-bed. Gerry soon realized I was not joking and joined me in the living room until finally he couldn't take the hard thing anymore! I can' t handle spiders. Just talking about them makes me crawl. My poor kids are learning the same phobia. Poor little Zach is now terrified of them. What to do?
4. I am a terrible cook. I would enjoy it if when I was all done slaving in the kitchen, it actually tasted good. But it rarely happens. I sometimes will add the wrong thing or I over cook it because I am paranoid of eating raw meat. Either way, I am not good at it! There are a few things I can make but we get so sick of the same thing. So my solution is to just go out to eat. But that gets old to. So I am always looking for new recipes. So go ahead and share!
5. I am a bad liar. I am not just saying I am this great honest person. I mean I can't lie. I can't make up a lie or fib. Not that I want to, but back when I used to work, I would want to call in and my lies would come out like, "my dog ate my keys." And I didn't even have a dog. Gerry laughs at me because he can always tell I am making something up, because I come up with the dumbest things!
6. I am not a morning person. I used to think it was because my sister or dad would come in singing in the morning to wake me up (Thanks Dad and Malinda, I do miss those mornings!) but I have found out no matter what I am waking up to, I am just a little testy and cranky in the morning. I am not a chipper morninger! It's probably because I love the quiet nights when the kids are so peacefully asleep in their bed. I just can't get enough of the quiet hours when I get to watch my favorite shows with Gerry, scrapbook, read a good book or blog. I am defiantly a night owl.
Well that was fun. It's taken about 5 hours to finally get all that done. but very fun. Thanks for tagging me!
I am tagging Holly Snow, Noelle Marui, Joy Osmond, Jamie Waldram, Lindsay Clements, and Rachel Ball. I am excited to see your post!
Becca I am your puking soul mate! I hate throwing up too! I even hate movies that have people puking. We went to a concert and there was a drunk guy who ruined it for me because I was afraid he would puke. (I hear when you drink a lot you puke.) He didn't even throw up but I was worried the whole time he would.
I swear you change your templates more than anyone I know. It looks cute!
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