Okay so I have to share my funny story. Well at least I was laughing inside. At church on Sunday, one of the counselors in the bishopric stopped Gerry in the hall and said he needed to talk to him. We have been expecting to get callings, so it was no surprise. I then went to relief society and the other counselor in the bishopric came in to announce that they have now called someone to the ward Liberian. I almost started laughing out loud. Not that Gerry wouldn't make a GREAT Liberian. I just can't picture him handing out chalk. (I hope I am not offending any liberians, I think it's great, just a funny thought of Gerry being one!) And maybe this isn't funny to anyone but me. I don't know why but I am still laughing about it! Well then about 5 mins later the counselor that originally stopped Gerry in the hall, grabbed me out of relief society and talked with me and Gerry and asked if I would support Gerry in his new calling....a counselor in the young men's! Not the Liberian, but the young men's. I am excited for Gerry and his new calling. I think he will be so wonderful with the young men! I guess there is only about 14 young men. Our ward actually is really small. The ward covers 1 and 1/2 cities and still there is hardly enough members to hold all the callings. The ward we last moved from was quite large, and at 1st coming from Utah it felt small to me, but now I realize how big it was. Gerry also got his home teaching assignment, which consists of 6 families. That is a lot, I think. And the other crazy part is there isn't enough people to have home teacher companions, so he is on his own. I guess a lot of them are single women, so I will be getting to go visit with him. (Not sure how that will work out with our kids!) I also got my visiting teaching assignment which is only 3 women, but I also have no partner. I tend to be the person no one wants for their partner, because I am a slacker. I better get on the ball. The counselor said they are still trying to figure what calling to put me in. It will be exciting. I think change is fun. I thought I would share Gerry's new calling, I am excited for him!
Congrats on the calling. I thought you really were the librarians! We were in the library for all of 2006. It's not too spiritual since you don't go to classes but how can you complain about a Sunday only calling with no preparation? Crazy how different the church is from CA to UT. I thought my 3 home teaching families was 1 too many. 6? I couldn't go it. You're the man, Gerry. Hope things are well for you guys. --Brandon
What an exciting calling...I have to say, I don't even think we have one person in young mens in our ward! We have about three young women that I have noticed! Gerry will do a great job!
Watch out Becca, you'll be YW pres. Gerry will be great. And you will be a great home teaching companion:) Loved your story though. Why are we so entertained by things that involve our husbands?
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