A week ago from today, my Mom flew in to stay with us. She stayed until just a couple days ago. Of course time flew by way too quickly. It was so great to have my Mom here! The kids were thrilled to be with Grandma and kept her busy playing the entire time! My Mom wasn't into sight seeing or anything, she just wanted to spend time with us. I feel bad that it probably wasn't that exciting for her but we enjoyed every minute. If you know my mom she is a goer, my house has never been so clean, and we have never had so many cooked meals. She helped me so much. I am so thankful to have such a great mom and friend! Thank you Mom. I love you and miss you already!

(By the way these pictures were taken the same day as "Brotherly Love" post picutures. Every picture I post they are wearing the same thing! I swear they really do have more then 1 outfit! :) )
Wow--you look a lot like your mom! How fun to have her around. I love when my mom visits. Cute pictures.
Your mom is so cute. How fun that she got to come out and visit. I need my mom to come and stay for a week. I just want someone to come take care of me like that for a little while...how nice. Those pictures are precious! BTW Thanks for everything. I will call you this week.
Hi Becca! Cute pictures! I would have never noticed the kids clothes had you not mentioned it. It made me laugh though.
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