So I have said before that Lauren's speech has been delayed due to having 11 ear infections the 1st 18 months of her life. Once she finally got tubes put in her ears and we started her in speech therapy, her vocabulary has started to develop. As she is still learning, her speech is sometimes a bit hard to understand. For the longest time she has said "
ssss" for yes. We have known that meant yes, however just recently she has started to say "nah" which sounds like nah for no. But what she is trying to say is yeah. So instead of saying "
sss" we now get Lauren's version of yeah. Funny little thing. I thought I would share a few more of Lauren's vocabulary.
caca= gross
Hello= telephone
nah= yeah
bock bock= bird
ssss= yes
dink= drink
ease= please
blue= every color
meow= cat
brrrrm (car sound)= car
beee= woobie (blanket)
dah= done
doo= thank you
And when I say I love you, Lauren will kiss the air which means I love you!
What a sweet little girl. It's so cute to hear her little voice. And it's fun to watch not
only her speech grow but her little personality!
Oh Becca, Lauren looks so grown up! Cute pictures of her...by the way I am sorry you have all been sick!
I know I have said this a hundred times, but I can totally see you in Lauren. She is adorable. I love that you wrote down what her words are. That was so cute.
I can't believe how big Lauren is getting. She is so dang cute. Those pictures are so cute. I'm so glad her speech is progressing. We miss you and hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Fun. :) I can't wait until Joy starts talking. Her first word will probably be "cheese."
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