Life has been so crazy lately. Just to give you an idea, we put our Christmas tree up about 2 weeks ago and it still has no lights or decor. Sad, huh? We have planned numerous times to decorate it as a family...I think it should be a family ordeal, more fun! But other things come up. So that is why it's taken so long to announce the big news! We are adding on to our family! Funny you might think I am announcing I am pregnant...not a chance. (one day!)
Our new addition is our pug, Tobi!

He is a year old, potty trained, has an adorable under bite, hyper as can be, weighs almost as much as Lauren, and is adorable. My mother-in-law's pug is the mommy. The original people who bought Tobi from my Mother-in-law can no longer keep Tobi. So we are adopting! It's been a little crazy! I have only had a pet 1 time before, and that lasted a week. So it's some adjusting. The 2nd day we had him, I wasn't sure I was up to being a pet owner! Tobi started puking and wouldn't stop. So I had to take him to the vet. They thought I was crazy, because I have no clue on dogs. I told them my 2 kids have survived, so I can't be that bad. Of course they tried to get me to buy all these medicines. It's funny because I would have done anything a few weeks ago when I had to take Lauren to the ER for the same thing. They had nothing to really help Lauren. However at the vet they had a million of things that cost a fortune. Anyway, Tobi is all better. He is so cute. Lots of work. I am not a fan of the dog hair all over my house. I honestly thought it was nothing taking care of a dog. My mother-in-law makes it looks so easy. I have no idea how her house is so clean with a dog. So I am learning. Of course Tobi is Zach's "best friend!" Lauren is getting better with him. We drove the dog home from Utah and it was in between the kids, and Lauren would scream every time Tobi looked at her. She kept saying "caca" (sick). Remember the drive is about 12 hours with kids. Long day of screaming! It will get easier...let's hope!! We are happy to have Tobi part of our family!

*In the pictures, Tobi's eye's look crazy from the flash on my camera. He isn't crazy, just a hyper little thing.
Please say that you are bringing your new addition back to Utah with you when you come for Christmas!
I am so excited to see all of you.
Love, Matt
Socute! mysister has had a pug for 7 years andshe is a great dog! I really am going to call you this week!
Oh the benfits of having a backyard! Gretta would love a dog!
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