Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This is why you shouldn't run around the house right after a bath! It was like 1 second of screaming and I found this! Poor little Lauren. I just had Tobi's nail's trimmed too! The biggest gash was actually on her belly but she was too upset for me to keep taking pictures. Oh and these were fresh scratches...about a little while later they were redder and puffy! I think she is now terrified to not have clothes on! I know I would be! Usually Tobi gets the beating from Lauren, but I think he got her back a little too much! POOR THING!

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Di said...

Owie! I just came to your blog without knowing you had a new post (Carrie told me she wants to use your blog background). I didn't know that google reader doesn't work when you go private... or maybe I just missed it...

Sara said...

Oh that is soooo sad! Poor thing! Hopefully she is doing much better now. I love your blog background!

Nick and Amera said...

Oh gosh! What a tragic experience for a little girl! Honestly, the lesson's kids learn are sometimes SO HEART BREAKING and you wonder.....why?? So sad, hope she gets better soon and has a full recovery!

Clements Family said...

Oh that breaks my heart! I am so sorry! I thought you were going to get rid of Tobi? What happened??

Heather said...

Tobi, Tobi, Tobi...What are we gonna do with Tobi??? I guess you can be happy it only happened to your child....this time. Just be glad she didn't have a friend over. I'm just playing with you, you know my feelings on dogs. I'm sure he's a sweet dog he just had his opportunity for retaliation. Hope she feels better.

The Waldrams said...

Wow! He attacked her! Poor Lauren! That looks like it hurts. Bad dog!

Mikesell Family said...

So now if it takes me a while to check your blog it's cause you went private and the whole google reader doesn't work now! What a bummer!