Thursday, March 6, 2008

Color Code!

So some of Gerry's friends from Utah came out last night to stay and go golfing the rest of the week! So fun for them! I think it's great! I will post pictures later! But I don't have much to do! So you get lots of posts....and misspelled ones! HAHA!

Well I just read on a friends blog about The Color Code. Thanks Heather!! I have always wanted to know my color. And so I just took the I said not much to do with kids napping and quiet time! So I am YELLOW! Which a lot of it totally is me. Like never committing to projects. You have no idea how true this is! This drives Gerry crazy...and myself. I do think I have a little red in me! I mean who doesn't like power! I am totally in love with this color code thing. I can't wait to have Gerry take it. I think for sure he is blue. but I will let you know. In the mean time I want to hear what you all are! So that means comment time!!

Here is the test if you have never taken it! You better!


Joy said...

we did this as a family with Lyn and your dad a few months back, it was a lot of fun to find out what everyone was and talk about it. I can't remember what I was, but I know RED for sure, and I don't remember the other one! I do know that Geoff and I clashed when it came to this!!

Heather said...

I'm so glad you liked the color code. It's so addicting to me. Everybody we see or talk to we have to place a color personality on them. You should get the book, it really explains a lot. It helped in our marriage a ton and I think it will help with our kids. I just need to figure out what each one of their colors are. Hope the boys aren't driving you too crazy. Your so nice for letting them be there.

Karen said...

I am blue. It said I'm a "sainted pit-bull". Yikes! Watch out for me!

Clements Family said...

Love the color code! I am a blue...with a little red! I am glad you took the test! I can totally see you being a yellow. Brooks is red/yellow. Oh, I am so sorry about Lauren! That is so sad!

Clements Family said...
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Clements Family said...
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J said...

I am blue and Spencer is red. About as opposite as you can get. It makes for some interesting times.