Well I just read on a friends blog about The Color Code. Thanks Heather!! I have always wanted to know my color. And so I just took the test....like I said not much to do with kids napping and quiet time! So I am YELLOW! Which a lot of it totally is me. Like never committing to projects. You have no idea how true this is! This drives Gerry crazy...and myself. I do think I have a little red in me! I mean who doesn't like power! I am totally in love with this color code thing. I can't wait to have Gerry take it. I think for sure he is blue. but I will let you know. In the mean time I want to hear what you all are! So that means comment time!!
Here is the test if you have never taken it! You better!http://www.thecolorcode.com/abouthartman.html#
we did this as a family with Lyn and your dad a few months back, it was a lot of fun to find out what everyone was and talk about it. I can't remember what I was, but I know RED for sure, and I don't remember the other one! I do know that Geoff and I clashed when it came to this!!
I'm so glad you liked the color code. It's so addicting to me. Everybody we see or talk to we have to place a color personality on them. You should get the book, it really explains a lot. It helped in our marriage a ton and I think it will help with our kids. I just need to figure out what each one of their colors are. Hope the boys aren't driving you too crazy. Your so nice for letting them be there.
I am blue. It said I'm a "sainted pit-bull". Yikes! Watch out for me!
Love the color code! I am a blue...with a little red! I am glad you took the test! I can totally see you being a yellow. Brooks is red/yellow. Oh, I am so sorry about Lauren! That is so sad!
I am blue and Spencer is red. About as opposite as you can get. It makes for some interesting times.
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