Well I am having with drawls! As I have mentioned before, I am a gamer! If that really is a word. I love to play games. I can stay up all night to play games. Probably because I am always winning. Just kidding! I can win a couple times...I am not going to lie :)! Anyway if you like games I found a great one. At Christmas Kyle got, I think from my in-laws, the game called Ticket to Ride!
It is so much fun! We played that game over and over. And I never got sick of it. I am totally missing it! I hate Sunday's living in California because I know I am missing some game time back home. We always have a blast playing with Gerry's siblings. It can get a little intense sometimes but when it's all done...I want more! Ticket to Ride is so fun. I highly recommend it to everyone. So if you haven't played, go out and buy it. We defiantly got some use out of Kyle's game. Thanks Kyle for sharing! You need to bring it out to California soon so I can get some more wins! and so we can see you :)! We keep a tally on the inside of the game lid! I really am not that good. but I have lots of fun!
Our little family this weekend were home bodies since Lauren has had the stomach flu again! 2nd time within 2 months! So we played some games this weekend. Zach got Guess Who for Christmas so we took turns playing with Zach.
It was the funniest thing ever. If you don't know how to play, it's a 2 player game and you try to guess who (hence the name) the other player is by asking yes or no questions. Well it was Zach's 1st time playing and he would ask me a question like, "Do you have brown hair" and I would say no. And Zach's response was, "Why not!" It was the funniest thing ever. Or he would say things like..."oh I am one of my uncles." Well he only has so many uncles, so guessing who he is becomes quite easy! Another funny comment by Zach was when Gerry asked if he had any brown on him, meaning hair or eyes. Zach's response was, "yeah...I am all brown" Well that just cut out more then 1/2 the people you were guessing from. It was so funny. Once Zach went to bed, Gerry and I played. It was so fun. I have a hard time talking Gerry into playing 2 player games because he "thinks" he can always win. I think he is scared to loose! Anyway after playing Guess Who, we got out one of my favorites, Boggle. Gerry really does always win but I feel like my brain is getting a little workout.
We had a fun time playing games together. However I am dying to get some Ticket to Ride in. So if you don't know what I am talking about. You should go get it. Lots of fun!
Hey~ we like playing games too, we should all get togther and play sometime. Ticket to Ride looks fun!
We should play Ticket to Ride. We love to play that game as well! We have the US version, Europe and Switzerland. We would love to play anytime :) The game is so addicting and it is the best because no two games are ever the same!
Brayden got Guess Who for Christmas too, so we have been playing non-stop! It's fun now that they are at the age where they can understand and play games. Another one he loves is Uno, You should try it with Zach sometime and see if he likes it.
I love ticket to ride! I also enjoy guess who and boggle although I haven't played them in a while. I love games too even though I sometimes make a fool of myself because I'm not that good. We'll have to play when you move back to Utah. Notice I used the word when not if. And we'll have to play on our girl's trip that I know you are going to make this year. I mentioned the girl's trip on Betsy's blog too...I guess I'm already getting excited for it so we better plan one.
I have been looking for a new game for our family. We will get Ticket to Ride. The family is tired of playing Apples to Apples.
Becca-I'm addicted to Phase 10. It's fun to play with just me and Mark, so we love it. We like card games a lot... Speed is way fun to play with just two players too! Hey, I'm coming to Cali from March 7th to the 11th, so put it on your calendar cuz we have to meet up for sure!
Hello! I always check your blog, and no, Gerry isnt paying anyone to tell you that! You are such a cute mommy and friend, I just love you! Im glad we keep in touch, its so much fun!
Love you! Amera
Becca...You may not even remember me, but I tended Zach when he was a little baby(3 months old). I found your blog through betsy mikesells(She used to cut my hair)and rachel balls(used to live at the condos we lived at!) anyway, my husband,Shaun sees your mom still from time to time at the print center. He loves running into her. A big thanks also...I was so excited to see that you had links to Matt and Annmarees blogs..it has been fun to keep tabs on them...Matt cracks me up!! I have five boys now(Ages 3 1/2 months to 12 years) life is crazy but good. your kids are darling...I cant believe how big Zach is!!! have a good day...natalie lyman
I love your blog. You probably don't remember me, but I was in hs with you. I wish I'd known you better then, I love games and no one else in my circle of friends was quite as into it. Oh, well. I found our blog through Amera. I hope its ok than I read it. Thanks for writing about your family so much, you are a great mom.
my day has been made because of you
its your lucky day...look at all the comments you have from this entry!! We have played that with the Hansens, and I like it too! Anyway, blog more, I am always up for reading anything you have to say!
We love Ticket to Ride, and we got it for Christmas...so anytime you want to play, give me a call. Samantha also got Guess Who and both and Landon love playing it. We got Guess Where and that is pretty fun too.
I love that you referred to yourself as a comment beggar (sp?)...well Gerry did I guess. I think that is what I am too. I love reading comments so I know who was looking at my blog. I meant to comment a day ago, but the whole google reader thing threw me off.
It was so fun to talk to you!! I sure have missed you these last few years. The funny thing is after I talked to you, I felt like I had talked to you the month before. That is a real friendship where you can just pick up where you left off. Anyways have you ever played any of the cranium games? We played one called Hoopla and it was SO fun. Too bad I can't find it anywhere!! I love playing games too!! I am glad you had a great time in Utah!
Love ya! Noelle
Hi Becca! I was going to recommend that same Hoopla game! It's especially fun because either everyone wins or everyone loses because everyone is on the same team. (Lyn, that would be a fun one for your family. It is for ours.) I got the link for your blog from Matt's blog so I thought I'd leave a comment. You are a good blogger!
-your cousin Karen
Becca, I have to laugh at this post. I am so much like you. I am a total comment begger. and I also love games. Ryan's family always plays ticket to ride, it's really fun. "Guess who" also made me laugh. I also got it for my kids at Christmas(that was my favorite game when I was little) anyways, it became the hit with all of the adults. my sister-in-law and her husband even went out and bought it for themselves.
so I feel so bad. I honestly have had your Christmas card sitting at my house forever. I had it in Utah called Betsy for your address, and she told me you were in Utah, so I thought maybe I could catch you there, but I didn't. so anyways when we got back to spokane I found your cute card. and it had your new address on it. so anyways I am mailing your card this late. I know that's dumb, sorry about that.
I hope you get to play Ticket-to-ride soon. love Katie
I am the same way with comments! I just love it when I see that someone has left me a new comment! Oh and we love Ticket to Ride too! We actually asked for it for Christmas, and we opened it on Christmas Eve cause we just couldn't wait to play it!!!
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