So for Christmas...way back then. Zach got his Ben 10 watch that he wanted so badly! Poor kid was thrilled, but his mom kept forgetting to get the right batteries. When we were in Utah at Christmas, Zach's aunt asked how he liked his watch. He said, "It's good, but it's not much too look at!" Well that is because I didn't get the right batteries for it! What a bad mom. I had to laugh, but felt bad. A toy and it's not much too look at. So finally the other day I got the right batteries and Zach was so happy to have his watch working. He never said it, but I think he might be a little disappointed that it isn't the "real" watch that turns him into an alien. But he was happy the "toy" watch was now something to look at!
crazy aunt!!! luckily, he got those batteries, now I really want to see the watch!
Since having a baby I have gone through more batteries than I have the previous 25 years of my life! I love Lauren's curls, I thought they were extensions at first- so professional looking!
Becca don't feel bad...I am the same way. Note to all toy makers INCLUDE THE BATTERIES. Seriously could they make it any harder on the parents, it's bad enough buying the toy..but remembering the batteries is a joke.
Becca, the kids are so big and cute! When are we gonna see you guys? Are you going to that scrapbooking expo in Feb? I also didn't know you got a dog!! How cute!
Have Zach bring his Ben 10 watch with him this weekend. Brayden got one for his birthday, so they can play together. But I will have to go buy batteries, because like you, I forgot to get batteries as well. Don't feel bad.
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