Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Going Private!
*side spell check isn't working. Not sure why, but sorry if my spelling is incorrect!
Gordon B. Hinckley
I wanted to post a little about how much I love President Hinckley! What an amazing man he is. I remember the day he was called as prophet. I fell in love with his big smile immediatley. And since that day there are so many times he has touch my life! Just on Jan. 13th at our stake conference we were blessed to have the Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley, among other general authorities, speak to us. Of course via satalitte, but what a special meeting that was. President Hinckley spoke about marriage and it was the best talk I have ever heard. It was exactly what I needed. His talks have always brought me to tears but always on top of a big smile! He was an amazing man that I will always look up to! I am so blessed to live during his time. I was so sad to hear that he had passed, but was immediatly so happy for him and his sweet wife. What an amazing reunion I am sure it was! I am forever greatful for our prophet Gordon B. Hinckley!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Bad mom!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Diamond UPDATE**

Monday, January 14, 2008
100 Things I LOVE!
1. Gerry
2. My kids
3. My parents
4. My siblings
5. Gerry's parents
6. Gerry's siblings
7. Extended family, sweet! in-laws, cousins, aunts, uncles!
8. Quite nights after the kids are to bed
9. Going every Saturday in the summer to the beach as the family!
10. When Lauren takes a nap at the beach, Gerry and Zach play and I get to bake in the sun!HEAVEN!!
11. the gospel
12. family time!
13. Cafe Rio pork salad
14. Cafe Rio pork burrito
15. When Gerry gets off work!
16. a clean house...doesn't stay clean long
17. coming home from work at night and Gerry has the kids bathed and in bed!
18. watching TV with Gerry
19. scrapbooking!
20. playing games...especially when I win! JK
21. watching my kids play when they don't know anyone is watching. So cute!
22. when Tobi, our dog, follows me around the house like I am so important to him!
23. Getting my hair done
24. pedicure... not enough of these!
25. date night, when it happens!
26. going out to eat...particularly without kids
27. Roberts Craft Store...oh I miss Utah!
28. Any scrapbook store!
29. photography...taking pictures
30. SLR camera
31. smell and feel of warm clean clothes fresh from the dryer!
32. shopping!!
33. clean teeth!
34. vacations to Utah, since that is all we ever go since we moved to CA. Never is long enough to see everyone! but I love it!
35. Winter in was 78 degrees today****************
36. reading a good book
37. Grey's Anatomy
38. movies that make me cry!
39. when I can help others-service
40. blogging!
41. when Gerry cleans the car!
42. playing games with my kids
43. Zach and Lauren's artwork
44. kisses from my kids!
45. general conference
46. watching Lauren dance when she doesn't think I am looking! So adorable!
47. a good workout that makes me sweat!
48. finding a current celebrity gossip magazine at the gym. Makes a workout fly by!
49. scrapbook supply shopping. I think I actually do this more then I scrapbook!
50. getting in touch with an old friend
51. cell phones
52. missionaries...particularly my little brother!
53. friends! near and far!
54. step aerobics
55. aerobic kick boxing
56. dancing, back in the day. I am too old and clumsy
57. sweet things my kids say
58. hugs and kisses from my husband
59. Gerry's great work hours 7am-4pm.
60. visitors...hint hint!
61. new clothes!
62. Christmas cards from friends and family....better remember this for the end of the year!
63. insurance
64. finding something that I lost
65. my kids laughing and playing together
66. joking around and teasing, and when I get Gerry....doesn't happen that often
67. diet coke
68. chocolate
69. sleeping in!
70. blaring the stereo in the car and tuning out completely! (without kids in the car)
71. my ipod!
72. sweet babies
73. the smell of sweet babies after a bath! Don't get any ideas...I will be an aunt again soon...that will do for now!! :) Thanks Natalia and Kyle ahead of time for my little niece or nephew...can't wait!!
74. sandals
75. Bath and Body body cream! So many good scents.
76. Caribbean Passion Jamba Juice! and their yummy pretzel
77. when Gerry gets off work early and takes me to lunch!
78. Sunday afternoon naps and lazy afternoons
79. Sunday dinner at Gerry's or my parents house...yummy dinners!
80. When Gerry scratches or tickles my back. Usually the other way around! :)
81. zit free skin... I think I just hit puberty
82. girls night out
83. scriptures, Ensign and other church books.
84. when Gerry puts away the clean dishes ! LOVE IT!
85. Lake Powell back when it was clean!
86. picnics
87. seafood
88. lemons w/ salt
89. caught up laundry...never happens!
90. elliptical machine...saved my bad back
91. contacts, when my eyes permit
92. good health
93. baby cooing and babbling
94. The Office
95. funny movies...Will Farrell and Jack Black
96. going to the movies...the popcorn and diet coke!
97. getting a babysitter
98. perfume! can never have enough different perfumes!
99. cologne on Gerry!
That was fun. There are so many great things that I love I could go on!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The little things!
So I wanted just to post about 2 little things that totally make me smile and feel all bubbly inside! I loved these 2 things that happened this week. First, was the other night when we were all at the dinner table and Zach said, "My teacher asked if I was Mormon!" I am sure some people would be upset that a teacher was talking about religion in class. However, it made me happy. I hope she doesn't get the idea that not all Mormons are not that great at helping out in the class or aren't that faithful with doing homework with their kids, or what not! But for some reason just her knowing we were Mormon made me happy. The majority of the people I come in contact with everyday have other beliefs. and I love to share the gospel with others but am not good at it at all!
The 2nd thing that got me all bubbly inside was when I had to take Lauren to the doctor. I sat down by the children's bookshelf and on the bottom shelf was the Book of Mormon Stories!
I am sure people wondered why I had this enormous smile on my face. Growing up in Utah this isn't such a crazy thing. But in California it's not normal. I was so happy. Of course I got all excited thinking the doc or someone who worked there was LDS. But inside it said To: so and so From: some sister missionaries. So I am not sure how it got there but it was a smiling moment for me.
Another time I was going to the gym and I went to get a magazine from the rack and there was the Ensign. I was so happy. Of course I grabbed the celebrity gossip magazine (I have the Ensign at home) and I didn't want anyone else to not have the chance to read the Ensign! But I was so happy. I thought that is a good way to do missionary work. A more subtle way. Either way it made me happy!
I love the gospel. I am not good at expressing it with others. but I love it! Living outside of Utah has been an eye opener. There are so many great people from other faiths! I love knowing that there are so many good people in this world!
I thought I would share my bubbly moments this week! I know I am kind of cheesy and a dork but thanks for letting me share. I guess you have no option! Have a great day!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
For Kyle!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
*I started and ended beauty school! It was an awful school! That is a whole post itself. (One day I will finish beauty school :)!)

Friday, January 4, 2008
Christmas in Utah!
Zach's school program
The day that we left to Utah, Zach had his school Christmas performance. I was so happy we didn't miss it, because it was so adorable. They sang Oh Christmas Tree and Silent Night. Zach was adorable and sang beautifully! My favorite part was when he finally found us in the crowd and was so happy! Then when it was all over as he walked off the stage he blew us a kiss. What a sweet boy! If I was talented enough I would put the video on. Maybe I will attempt that later... with Gerry's help!