We hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We sure did. The weekend was full of many exciting things, with coloring eggs, egg hunt, toys and of course candy!!! Here are just some pictures before church. The pictures have lots of shadows (and added about 40 lbs to me! :) ) but we were already late for church...I am just happy that we got some before chocolate covered the kids clothes!! Hope everyone had a HAPPY one! Love ya!~ Becca
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Easter!!
We hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We sure did. The weekend was full of many exciting things, with coloring eggs, egg hunt, toys and of course candy!!! Here are just some pictures before church. The pictures have lots of shadows (and added about 40 lbs to me! :) ) but we were already late for church...I am just happy that we got some before chocolate covered the kids clothes!! Hope everyone had a HAPPY one! Love ya!~ Becca
Saturday, March 22, 2008

I just wanted to wish my brother a Happy Birthday! I am so glad to have Geoff as my brother! He is a great guy! I know back when we were young we could butt heads but I still always appreciated what a good brother he was! He always looked out for me. I remember when my best friend was mad at me and wouldn't talk to me (6th grade), Geoff went and set her straight....and scared the crap out of her! Geoff also would always let me tag along with his friends and girlfriends. Thanks! However he wasn't too good at sneaking out at night...the only time I got caught was with him...well he didn't get caught just me. I guess using the front door wasn't too brilliant. (I was too scared of going through a spidery window.) I even enjoyed (okay not really but you made it fun) our 1 year of home school ...more like your reading time turned into nap time! Good times! I really look up to you Geoff. You are a great husband and cute little daddy! Thanks for being a great brother and friend! I love ya and wish we lived closer! I Hope you have a great birthday!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
So my birthday was the other day! I was born on St. Patrick's Day. Man, my parent's got lucky to have me!! :) I know I am too funny! Well I just wanted to THANK everyone for remembering me and for all the sweet cards, packages, flowers, taking me to lunch, emails, texts and of course comments! You all made my day special!! THANK YOU!! I had a great birthday!
Also thanks Laisa and Jessica for going to dinner last night for my birthday! It was so great to see my friends, who I used to live just doors away from. I miss living by them! We don't get together enough! But it was great fun and yummy food. Thanks again girls!! Let's do it again soon!

Oh I thought I would share Zach's and Gerry's creative invention. This is Zach's leprechaun trap, Gerry and Zach made for school for St. Patrick's Day. They were seeing who could catch a real leprechaun! I realized after Gerry finished making the trap how talented my husband is! Wow! He made every part of this! I am sure he was one of those kids back in elementary that always had the best projects...where mine were the ones that consisted of colorful markers, if I was lucky to go above the crayons!
Well no such LUCK on catching a leprechaun. Zach came home from school believing that there is no leprechaun! Dang it! He said that he doesn't think there really is leprechaun's because no one caught one. I said, "maybe they are just too tricky and got out of all the traps." Zach said "no there is no such thing as leprechaun's because they wouldn't have just left all the gold behind!" I had to laugh!
Happy late St. Patrick's Day! and THANK YOU!!
Friday, March 14, 2008

So I have to tell a funny story! Last night Gerry got off work late and I had to go to work right after, so no time for cooking dinner...is there ever! So I ordered pizza. We usually get Papa Johns but are kind of burnt out. (I cook way too much :)) So I called Pizza Hut and the girl who took my order told me of this special for 3 medium 1-topping pizza's for $15. DEAL right? and plenty for yummy left overs! Well I asked if it was pan crust. She just said no it's hand tossed. Well when we get the pizza, it's Pizza Mia pizza. SICK. I am not a fan of the sweet sauce and everything about it makes me sick! I was so sad. I was hungry and so mad that she didn't tell me that when I even asked about the pizza's. So I call Pizza Hut and get the same girl. I tried to be nice but was so disappointed! So I said "why didn't you say that it was Pizza Mia pizza's". And this is her brilliant explanation, "Oh well there is a commercial on tv for our special!" As soon as I heard commercial...I honestly bust up laughing. I was shocked at how stupid I was for not watching the pizza hut commercial. I seriously asked if she was serious. I said how do you know I even watch TV. As soon I as I was done laughing, she handed the phone to the manager, who credited me for the pizza's. Which was super nice. I now have a free dinner one night. However I am stuck with some sick left overs in the fridge, that I am going to throw out! I start to gag just thinking about that pizza! Nasty. Sorry if you like. I am not a fan! I had to share my brilliant Pizza Hut worker story! Don't skip those commercials!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
I was so excited yesterday for what I found at target. And I am sure they didn't just start selling these again, but more like I just started looking. WEll I have attempted to do the curling iron thing with Lauren's hair and it was quite the process. So I was looking for foam rollers from back in the day that my mom used on me! LOOK WHAT I FOUND! It was complete flash back from my childhood. My mom always put me in curlers. Crazy thing I had stick straight hair back then. I didn't have naturally curly hair until I hit puberty...weird, I know, but true. So when I found the foam rollers I was so excited to also find these hair barrettes! I LOVED these when I was little. The little bow, the birds, and bear. How stinkin cute! And it completely brought me back to when I was like 3-4 years old...of course I can remember that far back! :) I think Lauren was just as excited as I was. I just had to share my favorite buy for the day! Oh and I almost purchased jelly shoes for ME, but decided the sweaty feet isn't my favorite thing! ....Complete childhood memories! And maybe everyone has already been using the stuff but it just was fun for me to find...I am a little slow!!:)
Oh and I tried out the rollers on Lauren last night. It turned out so cute. However her hair is really fine and half of them fell out in the night, so I think I need to use some product in her hair or roll them tighter. Any advice hair master's our there?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Mina!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
He's Back!

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Color Code!
So some of Gerry's friends from Utah came out last night to stay and go golfing the rest of the week! So fun for them! I think it's great! I will post pictures later! But I don't have much to do! So you get lots of posts....and misspelled ones! HAHA!

Well I just read on a friends blog about The Color Code. Thanks Heather!! I have always wanted to know my color. And so I just took the test....like I said not much to do with kids napping and quiet time! So I am YELLOW! Which a lot of it totally is me. Like never committing to projects. You have no idea how true this is! This drives Gerry crazy...and myself. I do think I have a little red in me! I mean who doesn't like power! I am totally in love with this color code thing. I can't wait to have Gerry take it. I think for sure he is blue. but I will let you know. In the mean time I want to hear what you all are! So that means comment time!!
Here is the test if you have never taken it! You better!http://www.thecolorcode.com/abouthartman.html#

Well I just read on a friends blog about The Color Code. Thanks Heather!! I have always wanted to know my color. And so I just took the test....like I said not much to do with kids napping and quiet time! So I am YELLOW! Which a lot of it totally is me. Like never committing to projects. You have no idea how true this is! This drives Gerry crazy...and myself. I do think I have a little red in me! I mean who doesn't like power! I am totally in love with this color code thing. I can't wait to have Gerry take it. I think for sure he is blue. but I will let you know. In the mean time I want to hear what you all are! So that means comment time!!
Here is the test if you have never taken it! You better!http://www.thecolorcode.com/abouthartman.html#
Oopse! I am a beauty school drop out!!!
Okay I am totally embarrassed. I would just go and change my spelling on my last post...but people have already seen it! AHH. Oops. So you all know I graduated in 1999. That is a long time ago. I am uneducated. Gerry does the proof reading on the blog and he is out golfing (so not fair! just kidding) anyway. So my grammar is awful. So please don't tell anyone! But you know what I mean, right? NO BROKEN BONES! Brake or break...I tried calling Gerry to find out the correct word...but no answer! I am totally embarrassed. And I am sure just in this tiny post, I misused, misspelled, or something else was done wrong. So that is me! HAHAHA~
Have a great one!
Have a great one!
Can the girl not get a break!

And I am not talking about a brake... please no! Knock on wood! We did have another spill yesterday! This girl has had it rough! Lauren was playing around with Tobi (really Tobi is a great dog, don't get me wrong!) and Lauren was rolling around by my treadmill, and hit her head on the wheel, metal, screw...not sure what part exactly! Well she only cried a minute and I held her. Then put her down and was getting ready to leave. So I laid Lauren down to change her diaper and noticed I had blood all over me. And couldn't figure where it came from. Well then I realized the back of Lauren's head was bleeding and the carpet was all bloody (sorry if this grosses you out...it does me!) but anyway it stopped bleeding but Lauren refused to let me look at it. So we were off to urgent care! 2 1/2 hours later the doc (who knew us from previous urgent care matters...sad) said that it could use a staple but he thinks it could heal with minimum scaring and it will be hidden and so he wouldn't put his kids through that pain. So we are watching it and hope for a quick recover. She is of course back to her normal dancing, running around and scaring me to death! I am just happy that she is okay and that we didn't need staples! In the mean time we have a mean hairstyle!!!
*Sorry pictures were taken with camera phone and Lauren was freaking out and didn't want me looking at it! It bled quite a bit, but head cuts I guess do!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
This is why you shouldn't run around the house right after a bath! It was like 1 second of screaming and I found this! Poor little Lauren. I just had Tobi's nail's trimmed too! The biggest gash was actually on her belly but she was too upset for me to keep taking pictures. Oh and these were fresh scratches...about a little while later they were redder and puffy! I think she is now terrified to not have clothes on! I know I would be! Usually Tobi gets the beating from Lauren, but I think he got her back a little too much! POOR THING!

Monday, March 3, 2008
I Just want to wish you a very happy birthday! For those of you who don't know I was blessed with 2 mom's. Lyn is my step mom who took me in as one of her own (we all know against her kids liking...we can now all say that laughingly!) and has been there for me since I was 9 years old. I am so thankful for all the love you have given me. You have loved me and my family like there is no "step" involved. Especially now that I have my own kids, I realize how amazing you are for that! Thank you! You are always so sweet and thoughtful and I really appreciate all you do for us. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and get spoiled like you deserve! I wish we were there to celebrate with you. but know that we are thinking of you! I love you Lyn!
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