Ever since we have moved to California about 2 1/2 years ago...we have bought bottled water. And pretty much that is the only water we drink, except for the kids drink tap a little to get the fluoride. When we moved here I heard all these things about the water contamination's and so forth. So I just preferred bottled water.
Well last night we went to dinner at a friends house with a few other families. It was great fun. But what we learned from our friend who is a water engineer and works on the water systems here in LA, is that bottle water has estrogen in it. It's not the water but it's in the plastic that the bottles are made of. He said you are better off drinking the tap water. He said it's not that big of deal if you drink it every now and then, but to have it our only source of water is not good. So I am not sure what more estrogen does to women...but I don't think it is a great thing for men to have! :) So looks like we will be investing in some sort of water purifier. I thought I would share that crazy info! Crazy! I will miss bottled water.
That is crazy! I love bottled water...but I only grab one when I am running out the door because I am always thirsty! I love the super cute pictures on the side! Lauren looks all grown up!
Hey Gerry and Becca,
This Sunday we are blessing Anna and would absolutely LOVE if you could come! We understand though that it is difficult, but I just wanted to let you know your invited and that we will really miss you there. I hope all of you are doing fabulous! : ) Love ya!
I don't remember if I ever commented back to you, if i did and i am repeating myself, i'm sorry! :) My brother was in the arequipa peru mission. and that's weird about the bottled water! :)
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