Summer is over...sad! Zach starts school Sept. 2nd. I know he is ready to get back to see his buddies and start learning...but I am going to miss him. So this week, I tried to do a lot of fun things to end the summer. One day we went to the LA Zoo. The kids loved it! They have a petting animal section...not my favorite. But the kids enjoyed it.The kids loved seeing all the animals and having lunch at the zoo. There were a lot of bees there...and anyone that knows me, I am not into bugs, insects, etc. I get a little nervous!! :) It has rubbed off on Zach a bit. I am trying to get him to "be tough" and like bees! haha! Anyway there was a sign saying the bees were part of the zoo...yeah right like they planned that! But Zach kept saying, "Man, I sure wish the bees weren't part of the nature!" I had to laugh, because I was completely saying the same thing in my head! It was funny! Anyway we had a great time and left smelling like animals!
It looks like you had so much fun. I wish that I could have been there to go with you. The children are so darling and I miss you all so much. We may be out in October the weekend of the 10th I think. We will let you know. Hugs to each of you.
thanks for the comment on allison's pictures! My brother was in the arequipa, peru mission. Sorry i was so slow responding! (I tried once but your blog wouldn't let me!) :)
How fun is that! You guys have so much fun to do there in Cali! I know I keep saying it...but I hope you are planning on hanging with us when we are there!
It looks like you had so much fun. I wish that I could have been there to go with you. The children are so darling and I miss you all so much. We may be out in October the weekend of the 10th I think. We will let you know. Hugs to each of you.
thanks for the comment on allison's pictures! My brother was in the arequipa, peru mission. Sorry i was so slow responding! (I tried once but your blog wouldn't let me!) :)
How fun is that! You guys have so much fun to do there in Cali! I know I keep saying it...but I hope you are planning on hanging with us when we are there!
You have got some fun and CUTE pictures! When Anna gets a little older we will definitely need to take her there.
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