So I am totally embarrassed to post this...but I need HELP!! So I am not a first time mom, and I should know how to do this. But I can't seem to get Lauren even interested in potty training! I am embarrassed to admit Lauren is 3 years old and not potty trained....and I mean not even close. She wants nothing to do with it! I thought taking her to buy a musical potty would get her interested...nope! I thought buying her presents and showing them to her would do it...nope! Saying "don't you want to be a BIG girl"...nope. She said, "no me baby!" She wants to be a baby! What to do? I honestly have tried to let her run around in panties...that just causes messes! It doesn't even faze her until it's too late! I put her on her potty to sit and try to go and she just plays, or gets mad. So do I force? What do I do? Preschools don't allow kids unpotty trained in! HELP! All you knowledgeable mother's out there HELP!
that is so weird cause I have heard girls are so much easier to potty train than boys! Its odd that she's not even interested. Im sorry I wouldnt know what to tell you cause I have never potty traind a child in my life. I hear though that if they arent ready, dont push it.....but going on 3 you'd think you should start somewhere. I dont know, maybe try incentives or take her favorite toy away and tell her she can have it if she goes potty in her big girl potty chair. I've heard parents taking thier kids out to buy a new toy but not have it till they go potty for an entire week. keep the toy in visible sight though so she'll itch for it. I hope that helps a little. Im dredding this phase....I cant imagine sticking froot loops in the toilet and telling mcCoy to AIM!!! Ugggh!!! Good luck sista, I love you and miss you!!
We struggled back and forth for a while. Get the book "Happiest Toddler on the block". I love it. We went with the sit on the potty at the same times I've noticed she went or soon after eating and drinking. We took a abag of books in the bathroom and didn't leave until she had gone potty. It she really couldn't we would leave for 30 minutes and then come back. A candy jar helped too. Every potty got a treat. Hope this helps.
hey becca--it is me shauna...so i wanted to tell you the advise that my kids pediatrician had us given us....you give her an m&m or a skittle for every small move that she makes. For example...have her start by just being in the bathroom..give her a m&m. then move on to have her stand by the toilet...then she gets a m&M. Then move on to having her sit on the toilet but with pants on. Then give her another peice..and lots of praise. you just do little baby steps then give a small candy for praise. If she ends up going or doing it then she gets a treat of her choice or a special date with you or gerry or something special. This really really helped conner to potty train and it is all about the baby steps and not pushing it all at once. she will get this down..dont fret...every kid does it different..give her time...she will want to soon enough..;)
I love reading what people have to say! I am in the same boat as you! Breckon has no desire whatsoever! He loves his diapers and that is what he asks for! I wish I could help you!!!
Something is wrong with either my computer or your blog page. I can't see anything, and I could barely find the comment section. Anyway sounds like you are having a good time with potty training. THAT SUCKS! Don't worry my pediatrician said most kids don't go to Kindergarden with diapers, and to be patient. Wow I've had to learn the patience lesson way too many times. Don't worry she will eventually do it...it just sucks waiting it out. I swear it doesn't matter how hard you try some kids are just harder than others. Just enjoy the fact that when you go in public she doesn't want to pee in every disgusting bathroom. Sometimes I wish my kids were in diapers so I don't have to attempt dirty bathrooms.
I don't know much about diapers... But I do know that I miss you and your family VERY much...
I agree with Betsy. Sometimes it's easier having them in diapers. I hate being at the store and them insisting they have to go. Especially when you're in the check out line and they swear they can't hold it one more second! Just be patient. The more you push, the more she will refuse. She will do it on her own time. All the sudden one day she will be ready to use the toilet. That's what both of mine have done so far and I've never dealt with one accident.
I have this DVD called Potty Time, and JUlie really liked it. She went from refusing to even sit on the toilet to wanting to try, singing the songs, etc. It is terribly annoying, but it worked for her. Let me know if you want it. :)
Well I'm glad your blog is back to normal... I stopped by the other day, but I couldn't read anything. Anyway, Tyden seems interested in the potty and has gone about 3-4 times and talks about the potty, but I don't think he's quite ready yet... hopefully it's sooner than later because I see what you mean about the whole preschool thing...good luck!
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