Wednesday, September 17, 2008


On Thursday my good friend Laisa came to visit from South Carolina. I have missed Laisa. Her and her husband moved from CA to South Carolina only a couple months ago to start orthopedic residency...and I have missed them. I met Laisa when I moved to CA. We only lived a couple doors away in the same apartment building. And we enjoyed some fun times. We used to put our kids to bed (they don't have any yet...hint hint Miller's :) ) and we would play games and hang out every night. We also would scrapbook together, grocery shop, and just play!! I loved it. When do you ever have a grocery shopping buddy? They were such great friends...even had Zach sleep over when we were at the ER with Lauren. And Tim always answered my medical questions...Oh and Laisa is my boss (paralegal for the attorney I work for). Anyway we for sure miss having them so close. It sure was fun to have Laisa come stay with us for 3 days. (we missed you Tim). I loved just hanging out like the old times!! Thanks Laisa for coming. Come again soon!!
Here are a few pictures I took at Santa Monica Pier. Gerry and Lauren stayed home for the BYU game!
Oh and funny story....we when just arrived to Santa Monica Pier... I said, "We need to see someone famous...they always say in the magazines they are here. " So we kept our eyes out. As we were leaving we saw this guy hanging out his window (no screen) a couple stories up, talking to a lady that was down on the ground. It totally looked like a movie! I said hey isn't that that famous guy. I know him! And I told Laisa to get a picture. So Laisa got a shot of him (my camera battery of course died) picture to come when I get it from Laisa. Oh and as we are taking the picture a couple right by us is taking a pic too and wondering the same thing. Sure enough...Nick Nolty it was! He yelled out the window at us, "Hey folks, how's it going?" I of course froze. Laisa said hi! We were so happy to see our famous person...but didn't know his name until we got home to google it! :)

1 comment:

Karen said...

You finally got your celebrity siting! And it wasn't even and the fried chicken with waffles (or whatever crazy combo that was) place! Does he look that scary in person?