Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I was tagged. So here goes the 20 Year Tag.

20 years ago...
1. I was 7 years old with no worries at all!
2. I lived in Kanab, UT and followed my big sister around everywhere!
3. My baby brother Sam was born. I thought he cried a lot. but he sure was cute!

10 years ago...
1. I was 17 years old. (I still feel that way...to bad don't look that way)
2. I was a senior at Copper Hills High. and loved hanging out with my friends. Especially loved going with Betsy to McDonalds every single day for lunch! Sharing #2! How was I skinny then!
3. Moved to Cedar City, UT and attended SUU for 1 semester. Didn't study very much but LOVED my roommates! Camino Manor... was the sweet apartment we lived in....

5 years ago...
1. Gerry and I finally got to tie the knot! (SLC Temple) It was the happiest day of my life! (I say finally...but really we only dated 1 year, but I was so excited!)
2. Zach was 2 years old and so much fun! I love that age! We just played, played, played!
3. We were so excited for Gerry to adopt Zach and be sealed as a family for eternity! (Mt. Timp. Temple)(tied for the happiest day of my life!)

3 years ago...
1. Our sweet little Lauren was born 7/19/05.
2. I got to be a stay at home mommy to my 2 babies, Zach and Lauren!
3. I got braces! I love my straight teeth! Thanks mom!

1 year ago...
1. We were living in South Pasadena, CA
2. I started cosmetology school...and dropped out 2 weeks later! Awful story!
3. We enjoyed the beach every Saturday!

So far this year...
1. Gerry and I spent 9 days in Hawaii! The best vacation ever!
2. Zach turned 7 and graduated from 1st grade!
3. Lauren has started to talk so much! and is doing so well at speech therapy.

1. I did my visiting teaching.
2. Watched the bachelor w/ Gerry. Major upset! I was so mad she let Gram go! I still think they will get together!
3. Scrapbooked.

Today I...
1. Took Zach to swim lesson's at 8:30
2. Did 2 loads of laundry...2 more to go!
3. Not sure what I am making for dinner...I think we should go out!

Tomorrow I will...
1. Take Zach to swim lesson's
2. going to the movies in the morning w/ the kids
3. Take Lauren to speech therapy

In the next year...
1. Zach will be in 2nd grade, Lauren starts preschool and I will start taking some classes again...never ending story.
2. Gerry and I will celebrate the BIG 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (7/22/08)! Time flies!
3. Maybe....just maybe... think about #3.....Not an announcement! Just a thought!

I tag YOU if you are reading this! You better do it!


Clements Family said...

That was a super fun post! I loved reading it!

The Lind's said...
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The Lind's said...

You're free to think about whatever you want (#3). I'm thinking about a motorcycle (#1)and BYU waxing the Utes again (#3). Just kidding, okay not really. Love You Bec. - Gerry -

Joy said...

are you serious about the bachelor? I did like him because they had a connection...but they would have had a HORRIBLE marriage since he does not communicate in the least!!! So, although it was tough to let him go, she did make the best choice she could have made!

The Lind's said...

Gerry! This blog is to have no football talk! But I still love you!

I think she made a big mistake! She was "in love" with Gram. and they had sparks. I think Gram didn't open up because he was on tv and then also had to deal with her dating other guys. I think it would have been different if they were just dating! (I want to think so!) I think she can have a good relationship w/ another guy...but she can't force herself to be in love! You have to be in love! I think it's sad. Gram was the cuttest and they needed more time. but we will see....

Rhiannon said...

Yeah, Gram was hot. Easy on the eyes for sure. BUT, he was a MUTE!!!!! Mutes are painful to be around. I'm glad she got rid of him, although he was my favorite from the beginning. I hope that Jason wins. Hey Gerry, have you heard of Beirut? You should check them/him? out. Pretty good music! Can't wait for you guys to come out! We'll go golfin, Roberts, Cafe Rio, the canyon...you name it, I'm down!!!

The Gardners said...

Funny dream!!! Remember it was a dream, that would NEVER happen! I am SO excited to see the invitations. Thank you SO much Becca for doing it. You really are so talented. In fact, I've been wanting to start on our wedding scrapbook, but I wanted you here for some help because I have no idea where to begin! The baby's room is basically going to have to stay white. They won't let us paint it...bummer! Anyway I am just trying to think of ways I can spruce it up. Kyle and I are SO excited for you guys to come down...next month!!!

Di said...

I remember going to your special family sealing and was surprised to see it under the 5 years ago category!
When are you going to scan and show off your scrapbook work...
Cute post.

The Gardners said...

Hey Becca,
I have a quick question. When you had Zach or Lauren, did you ever take prenatal classes at the hospital? If so, were they helpful? I am still debating if I want to do it. Oh I found the colors for the baby's room, check out the website: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/cs10/index.cfm?pkey=csalbnb%7Cb . The colors that I will be using are on the crib sheet. What do you think?

The Bullocks said...

I loved your post. and I so love the bachelor. I was so sad to see both Gram and Jeremy go. they were both so cute. my heart totally broke for both of them. but I still love Jason. but I'm totally confused on why she kept Jessy around (umm do you want to go snowboarding for the rest of your life) ok so I'm way to into it. but fun post