Thursday, June 12, 2008


Zach graduated from 1st grade today! I am so proud of him and how well he did in school. I don't want to brag...but it's my blog, right? Well he was top in his class in math. For reading the CA reading fluency is 80 words a minute and Zach read 111 words per minute! What a smartie! He gets that from Gerry...of course!
I told Zach last night I was excited to have him home all day in the summer. And that we are going to have lots of fun together. He said, "yeah..." and as I was walking off said, "...but we don't really have that much fun!" Ouch...I have to admit it hurt my feelings. So after he was in bed. I went straight to the calendar and planned out the FUN outings we ARE going to have!!

Congrats Zach!! You are the best little 1st grader! I am so proud of you! I LOVE YOU!
And here we come summer FUN.......


Jerry and Lyn said...

Congratulations Zach on your hard work and accomplishments in school. You are wonderrul and I love you so much. I cannot wait to see you in a few weeks.

Becca, I know what you are going through with the bronchitis and such. It is miserable. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Clements Family said...

Yea for Zach! How exciting! I am sure you will do fun things with him this summer! I hope you get feeling better...I am sorry you are still sick! I wish I could help you out!

Di said...

Sweet & Smart... he's got the whole package.

ande said...

Congratulations Zach! You have made it through the most difficult year of your life. Way to sail!!

Becca I love the way you write.