Did you know in the state of sweet California that if you want to send a note home from school with the student, it has to be in English...as well as Spanish. What the crap... I guess those that speak spanish should be able to get the messages too! But that just made my job even harder as a room parent. Oh yeah and I have to find a translator to translate the message too! hmmm? Interesting wouldn't you say? Funny part is...1st off I have never taken a foreign language except sign language so I am completely unaware of everything. So the morning that I am trying to send this letter out to the parents of Zach's class, I find out this law. So I hurry and call Gerry, " hurry Gerry go online and look up the words for this letter please!" Yeah I wasn't aware it's not just switching words...it's completely different sentence structure and the whole bit. Guess it is time to go back to school and learn Spanish. It might even get me a straw at Wendy's instead of a napkin! I am not trying to be rude...honestly it would benefit me greatly to learn spanish! If only I would have known way back when I was in school. However the student I was...probably wouldn't have done anything different!~ Dang it. I will say I cheated the system and sent home a letter yesterday in English only...shhh!
And yes my life is quite boring at this moment that I am posting about such a thing. I just thought you might all want to know!

Ok I'm sorry but my opinion is that if you are in America you need to learn OUR language. If I want to live in Mexico I will learn their language. How frustrating is that?
So do they teach the children Spanish in school too? Spanish would be nice to know but we are in the United States and our language is English!!!! Go figure.
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