Friday, October 10, 2008

TWILIGHT Trailer!!

I just found this final Twilight trailer! I can not wait!! ahhhh! LOVE IT!!


Clements Family said...

I can't wait either...have you seen the music video?? Me and my friend found it-it just has the trailer to it. Less that 1 1/2 months!!!

The Gardners said...

Check out this handbag giveaway. Good luck! : )

Mikesell Family said...

yes I loved this, I can't wait for the movie. I have to say that whole lice story makes me ill. I think I am equally as bad as you. If I hear about someone being sick I just start crying and planning on what my life is going to be like with the flu..or whatever is going around. I think you deserve mother of the year award. Go Becca!

Nick and Amera said...

Holy intense!! Edward.....2!! I can not wait till this movie comes out, even nick is a tad excited!! yeah!! Oh and cute picts below, your kids are such good siblings!! Thanks becca for all your kind words and friendship. I love you. You have always been a good friend and I have always LOVED you lots! Keep smilin!!

Jessica said...

That was a good one! I miss you Becca! It sounds/looks like you're doing well though. Take care!