I was tagged. So here goes the 20 Year Tag.
20 years ago...
1. I was 7 years old with no worries at all!
2. I lived in Kanab, UT and followed my big sister around everywhere!
3. My baby brother Sam was born. I thought he cried a lot. but he sure was cute!
10 years ago...
1. I was 17 years old. (I still feel that way...to bad don't look that way)
2. I was a senior at Copper Hills High. and loved hanging out with my friends. Especially loved going with Betsy to McDonalds every single day for lunch! Sharing #2! How was I skinny then!
3. Moved to Cedar City, UT and attended SUU for 1 semester. Didn't study very much but LOVED my roommates! Camino Manor... was the sweet apartment we lived in....
5 years ago...
1. Gerry and I finally got to tie the knot! (SLC Temple) It was the happiest day of my life! (I say finally...but really we only dated 1 year, but I was so excited!)
2. Zach was 2 years old and so much fun! I love that age! We just played, played, played!
3. We were so excited for Gerry to adopt Zach and be sealed as a family for eternity! (Mt. Timp. Temple)(tied for the happiest day of my life!)
3 years ago...
1. Our sweet little Lauren was born 7/19/05.
2. I got to be a stay at home mommy to my 2 babies, Zach and Lauren!
3. I got braces! I love my straight teeth! Thanks mom!
1 year ago...
1. We were living in South Pasadena, CA
2. I started cosmetology school...and dropped out 2 weeks later! Awful story!
3. We enjoyed the beach every Saturday!
So far this year...
1. Gerry and I spent 9 days in Hawaii! The best vacation ever!
2. Zach turned 7 and graduated from 1st grade!
3. Lauren has started to talk so much! and is doing so well at speech therapy.
1. I did my visiting teaching.
2. Watched the bachelor w/ Gerry. Major upset! I was so mad she let Gram go! I still think they will get together!
3. Scrapbooked.
Today I...
1. Took Zach to swim lesson's at 8:30
2. Did 2 loads of laundry...2 more to go!
3. Not sure what I am making for dinner...I think we should go out!
Tomorrow I will...
1. Take Zach to swim lesson's
2. going to the movies in the morning w/ the kids
3. Take Lauren to speech therapy
In the next year...
1. Zach will be in 2nd grade, Lauren starts preschool and I will start taking some classes again...never ending story.
2. Gerry and I will celebrate the BIG 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (7/22/08)! Time flies!
3. Maybe....just maybe... think about #3.....Not an announcement! Just a thought!
I tag YOU if you are reading this! You better do it!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Father's Day Mishap
On Father's Day Gerry was taking a nap. I was cleaning up dinner while talking on the phone with my mom. I saw Lauren dragging the iron and my hot glue gun by the cord.
And thought oh what the little stinker. I didn't think anything could come of her getting in my stuff. Well my mom asked to talked to Lauren...while they were chatting...I am sure my mom was startled when she heard me yell, "LAUREN LUCILLE LIND!" I grabbed the phone and told her I would call her back. Well I found Lauren's toys, aka the iron and a hot glue gun plugged in and laying on the carpet...HOT!
I am just lucky that I caught the iron before it left a major mark. Good thing is we are renting. haha. I am joking! and who knows how much they will charge us for it! Little squirt!
My favorite!
So each season I get so EXCITED for So You Think You Can Dance! I just LOVE it! Doesn't it just make you want to dance? It does me! Anyways last night I loved this performance. LOVED IT! The judges didn't think it was the best. What do you think? Plus Gev is from Utah...that just screams amazing! I think this is the best dance of the night! ENJOY!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Anyhow, Clark is such a great brother to Gerry, fabulous bro-in-law to me, and amazing uncle to the kids. We just love being around Clark. The kids honestly swarm to him. They literally are sitting on him the second they see him. Even when Lauren was a baby and super shy, she still loved being with her Uncle Clark! and Zach just can't get enough of him. Even living far away...Zach would love to just sit on the phone and talk video games with Clark....all day! Clark is such a fun, sweet, nice guy! We love all the fun times when we get together...there just needs to be more!
Clark we sure miss you and hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday away in NY! We wish we could have celebrated with you! We are so thankful that you are in our lives. We sure love ya and hope to see you soon! .........so come visit!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I just wanted to wish Gerry a Happy Father's Day!! He is such a great little daddy to our kids. He is so good to them and I couldn't ask for a better dad for my kids! I am too blessed to have you Gerry! Thanks for taking care of our family and being such a wonderful dad! We love you!
I also want to wish some other father's in my life a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
I am so thankful for my Dad! I was blessed with an amazing Dad. I am thankful for all he has taught me and all that he does for me! He has always loved me, even when I was that not so lovable teenager! Thank you Dad for being such a great Dad! I love you and hope you have a wonderful Father's Day!
I also want to wish Gerry's Dad a Happy Father's Day. I couldn't ask for a better father-in-law. I don't know how I got so lucky! Ed you are great. I am so glad that Gerry has you as his Dad. You are great example to us! Thank you for being so good to our family!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Zach graduated from 1st grade today! I am so proud of him and how well he did in school. I don't want to brag...but it's my blog, right? Well he was top in his class in math. For reading the CA reading fluency is 80 words a minute and Zach read 111 words per minute! What a smartie! He gets that from Gerry...of course!

And here we come summer FUN.......
I told Zach last night I was excited to have him home all day in the summer. And that we are going to have lots of fun together. He said, "yeah..." and as I was walking off said, "...but we don't really have that much fun!" Ouch...I have to admit it hurt my feelings. So after he was in bed. I went straight to the calendar and planned out the FUN outings we ARE going to have!!
Congrats Zach!! You are the best little 1st grader! I am so proud of you! I LOVE YOU!
Fun Facts!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008
I am going to be a downer for just a minute! It's been quite the 2 weeks! I tell you ever since we got home from Hawaii...it's been a Doozie! Just to tell a little...or you may not enjoy reading my blog again. Well when we got home from vacation I got sick with this nasty cough, which Gerry also had. Anyway long story, I ended up getting bronchitis. Then the next day woke up with pink eye. Why? I don't know. but it just adds to the grand time we were having. During all this, not last Tuesday but the a week before (almost 2 weeks) Gerry went to young mens, where they were playing basketball. Within 40 mins of Gerry leaving he called me and said he got hurt and was on his way home. Well poor thing landed wrong on his ankle. Sad. (this is right after)
The next day he was in so much pain, went and had x-rays, and was told no brake. Well a week and half past...he is in tons of pain, unable to care for his sick baby with bronchitis (me), and me not to capable of taking care of my crippled baby (Gerry) finally call the doc.
(This picture was a couple days after the accident...not yet the worst. I didn't get a picture at it's worst...it was too nasty!)

Gerry ends up having to go see an orthopedic surgeon, who takes one look at Gerry's enormous ankle which is bright red, realizes he tore 2 ligaments and it got infected...not a good thing. So now he is on crutches, in a boot, and on medicine and doing better. And will see the doc this Tuesday.
So we are on the up and up. Honestly my house is a terrible mess, I am a mess, my kids are a mess...can I say I want my mommy! I honestly have wanted to cry. But I am not coughing up my guts, as much! So this week I may clean my house!
How sad...here I am a mope! We truly are blessed. My kiddies haven't gotten my sickness...knock on wood. and these things are only minor. I do think Gerry also wants his mommy! He said he is not sure who is going to take care of him when he is old. Sad! I have been sick too! :) I did manage to get him a bowl of cereal!
But on a happy note... it was a beautiful day yesterday! The kids enjoyed slippin slidin in the backyard and we hit In-n-Out and the park for a picnic yesterday evening. So we are a little slow with the "hopper" but we are mending.
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