Monday, April 28, 2008


Man, have I ever mentioned that I miss UTAH? Well the #1 reason is because I miss family.
And just this past weekend we missed a big event. My sister-in-law, Natalia graduated from BYU !! I am so bummed that we couldn't be there to congratulate her in person! So this will have to do. We are so proud of you! Way to go Talia! I am so happy for you to be all done. Now you can focus on being a mommy! (yeah- baby niece coming Aug!!) I am so excited for you Natalia. We love you! We wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!

*Natalia now you need to start a blog so we can see your cute pregnant belly! :) The things I miss out on!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008


I feel just awful! It's not that I forgot, but I forgot to get my post up on the right day!! Rhiannon please forgive me!~

I just wanted to now wish my sister-in-law Rhiannon a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I sure hope it was a great day! I thought of you all day and wished I lived closer to take you to lunch and play some games later with the the family. Rhiannon is such a great sister-in-law...I am so blessed to have WONDERFUL in-laws! I instantly like Rhiannon when I met her. I miss having 24 parties, going to your card parties, shopping, and of course playing games!! Rhiannon is the sweetest game player...well if she is on your side! :) Just teasing! Thanks Rhiannon for being such a great sister-in-law as well as a great friend! I love ya! and hope your birthday was GREAT! Come see us soon! We miss you, Rannon!!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I am so excited!! If you didn't know I LOVE LOVE to scrapbook! Gerry thinks I could do it all day everyday...maybe! Well first off, moving from Utah to California was so hard in my scrapbooking love...because California does not have even 1/4 the scrapbook stores that Utah does. Well when we moved to Monrovia...I found my new love...Scrap N' Yap! A fabulous scrapbook store with all new products and totally up to date scrapbook products. I was so excited. Well about a month ago I decided to be brave an turn in some of my scrapbooking work and apply at Scrap N' Yap to teach scrapbook classes! Well I found out last night they liked my work and they want me to start teaching in July/Aug since they already have through June classes planned out. I am so so thrilled...this is honestly my dream job! I don't even know what they pay, or how it works or anything. I am just so excited!! So I thought I would share my exciting news!! yeah!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beach Bonfire!!

Last night we had a blast meeting some friends at the beach for a bonfire! The weather was perfect! It is my favorite to be on the beach at night and roast hot dogs, and smores...oh and of course Starburst! (if you haven't tired roasted Starbursts, it's yummy!) I have always liked campfires in the mountains, but nothing compares to the beautiful beach...gorgeous view, sound of the waves, and NO bugs!!!
The kids loved playing with the other kids. What a fun time we had! We will miss our friends the Miller's and Pulsipher's when they move!( but congrats on graduating and your new move! We will miss you!!) But we luckily can still get together with the Snow family! Thanks everyone...lots of fun! My only regret is not getting more pictures of the kids... Next time! Let's do it again soon!!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008


As much as I love Lauren's hair long...I thought a cut would be fun. Since I can't wear my hair short, I thought I could get my short hair envy through my child! And of course I thought Lauren would look adorable with a little bob. However once discussing the length with the beautician...I chickened out on chin length. I was going to cut all of it the length of the bangs we have been growing out....maybe next time! Long or short she is adorable!!


When we got to Fantastic Sam's (I know...quite high end wouldn't you say :)) I was worried what Lauren would do, because every time when I am doing Lauren's hair and she screams or gets inpatient, I will say to her, "okay let's just cut your hair!" And that gets her all still! I know what an awful mother, but it does the trick. I was totally regretting that when we got there! But Lauren sat perfectly still and with her big brother there for moral support, it went great.

I love how it turned out. Short and sweet for the summer!


Moral supporter (also due for a hair's job!)
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Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Favorite!

I love conference! This conference seemed to be my favorite. Maybe because my kids were so good to color and work on their conference packets! I enjoyed every talk.

My very favorite was by M. Russell Ballard about motherhood. I so needed this talk. My favorite part was...

"...the biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make...I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three of [my children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4 and 1. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less."

What a great talk! Now if I can just remember this and be a better mother and wife! And put all my time into my family. So enough blogging and back to family life! :)

Hope you all enjoyed conference much as I did!