3 years 7 months
11700+ miles traveled (driven) that means at least 180 hrs in the car
3 homes (South Pasadena, CA, Monrovia, CA, Henderson, NV)

(Beautiful South Pasadena, CA)
(Lovely Monrovia, CA)
Many fun visitors
Many great friendships made
+1 dog
-1 dog (oops I couldn't do the dog thing)
+1 more kid
Many up's and downs
Lots of growing
Tons of fun times
Since we lived in Utah.
We used to look like this
(Zach 5 years and Lauren 10 months)

And although we now look like this
We are still the love able Lind Family :)
and we are moving back to UTAH!!
That's right we are moving back "home". We have made a home a few times away from Utah but nothing compares to where you grew up. We have grown a lot. I have learned so much being on our own. We have been so blessed! I have made friendships that I will keep forever. I have learned that there are so many good people out there. We have been so blessed...I said that already! I have enjoyed our little adventure and there are many people and things I will miss...but I am also thrilled to be going back to Utah!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!!
2009 has been great!!!!
I am excited what 2010 will bring in UTAH!!