Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Cutest Toes in the Whole City!!"

What little girl doesn't dream of having their own real live baby! Lauren loves and adores her baby brother! Problem sometimes it's a bit much for the baby! Clint loves his sister but sometimes more from a distance! :) This day Lauren was holding Clint and I was taking pictures of them, when Lauren looked at Clint's little chubby toes and said, "He has the cutest toes in the whole city!" Just the city!! I have to admit they are pretty darn cute!!
**I love that my kids all have my feet. Mine aren't as chubby!! but we all have some padding on the bottom and flex our toes! My dad does the same thing! It makes me laugh when I see my kids cute toes all flexed. Back in the day it made my toe touches not so cute!...oh to do a toe touch wow that was for sure back in the day! :)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Those are cute toes! That's funny though 'the cutest toes in the whole city' :) I love the progression of Clint's face in the bouncer too! So cute!