Last Friday Gerry's parents came to visit. It was so fun to have Grandpa and Grandma Lind here. The kids loved to spend time with them. We had lots of fun going to Rosco's Chicken and Waffle's for dinner. The restaurant is famous for fried chicken and waffle's served together. (A couple weeks ago on MTV they showed Snoop Dog and I believe David Beckham there...it's famous...okay that was a different location but still famous! :) ) I think Ed and Becky were a little skeptical about the fried chicken and waffle combination...as we were our 1st time. But it is honestly so yummy and I am sure fat free...fried chicken, right? I think they enjoyed it as much as we did!

Then we had a blast spending all of Saturday at San Diego Wild Animal Park. It was the perfect day to be out. It was so fun to see all of the animals...but even more fun being with Grandpa and Grandma. Then that night after a fun filled day, Gerry's parents watched the kids so Gerry and I could go out for a belated (2nd) Valentine's. So we hit the mall and went shopping and then ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Although we felt bad missing time with Gerry's parents it was a nice little break from the kids.

What a fun weekend we had. It was so sad to say goodbye. As much as I loved having them visit, I hated having them go. The kids were sad to see them go too. but we sure enjoyed the time we got. Thanks Ed and Becky for the GREAT weekend. We love and miss you already!!
becca - your blog is so cute and fun! here's my e-mail - agiron@usc.edu. hope you are loving your new house and ward. we miss you!
How fun! Looks like you had a great time! Is the Wild Animal Park different then the Zoo in San Diego then?
Sounds fun! Weird dinner combo though. Hey your blog looks really cute, I like the background.
Sounds like you guys are having so much fun!! I love the layout by the way!
Hey, Laisa and I might be going this Friday night to a "Scrapbook Buddy" night at Scrapbook Buddies...are you interested in coming?
looks like you had a ton of fun with gerrys parents there! I am so jealous of the weather...we are hoping for a mere 50 degrees this week! I finally figured out the posting photos on the blog thing...come over and see the kids! Have a good day!
You can customize your comments section under the comment section in customize....haha! You just have to change it from "no" to "yes" and then put the email address where you want the comments to be sent! I did that cause I got this weird comment from I don't know who and it weirded me out! And yes, I know I'm lame, and said I would call you....I will, I promise...
Well hello strange! I love the pics and the new blog background! SO CUTE! I am so jeaoulous that the weather is so beautuful there. I have spring fever so bad! By the way, your arms look super buff, you look awesome!
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