So I am always wanting to see famous people. But have only seen 1 for sure. However I swear one day going into the grocery store I passed a famous guy. I am just not sure who it was. I promise he was famous! He had a baseball cap on and was wearing sunglasses and it was getting darker. The catcher is he smiled at me like he had been caught. Maybe it was me just staring trying to figure out who it was. Someone really famous I am sure...that's why I didn't know who it was! HAHA!
Anyway one day walking down Old Town Pasadena, a big shopping area, if your not familiar with the area. Well Gerry and I saw this well dressed man, with like 6 young girls all dressed up crossing in front of us going into this nice restaurant. Well sure enough it was Fred Ward.
He is in Sweet Home Alabama and Enough and I don't know what others. I knew who he was but not his name. But it was funny it must have been like his daughter's party or something. Maybe they just dress up all the time! I was so excited to see my 1st real nameable famous person!

Well Gerry has seen 2 others. About a month ago Gerry was driving to work along side Charlie Sheen in his red viper. Pretty cool, huh?
Well the big one was a week or so ago, Gerry was at The Grove in downtown LA going to lunch with some friends from work and Gerry heard this loud mouth drop the f word, and Gerry of course looked over to find the guy from MTV's America's Most Smartest Model, Andre Birleanu.
It's funny because Gerry loved that show and was so excited when he noticed who it was. Andre I guess was wearing this huge fur hat. Pretty funny! Gerry's friends thought it was hilarious, 1st that Gerry knew who the guy was and even more that Gerry watched the show and liked. One of the guys emailed Gerry the picture of the guy with caption...Gerry's hero! I thought that was funny but pretty cool that Gerry keeps seeing celebrities. Soon it's my turn! I need to go to more famous people worthy places! I keep waiting...or I guess looking!

*A little correction, Gerry informed me of. Charlie Sheen's viper was silver. and when Gerry saw Andre, Gerry was just outside his work walking to lunch, not at the Grove. I got the stories a little mixed up.