Saturday, September 8, 2007


I am still trying to learn how to do this blog thing. I don't know how to reduce my picture size or something, so that the pictures are not stretched and grainy as all can be. So if any of you master bloggers out there can help. It would be greatly appriciated. In the meantime I will avoid posting pictures of myself to avoid the extra 50 lbs. it adds (okay maybe only 10 lbs.) but we can pretend it's the camera's fault! Oh and this picture is of Lauren in her pj's, purse in hand and ready to go! Funny thing!
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The Bullocks said...

it's so fun to see your kids, I swear I haven't seen your little girl since she was a baby. she is so cute. I can't believe how old they both are.
keep the pictures coming. It's so fun to see everyone. Katie

M@ said...

Lauren is so beautiful and growing up so quickly! I need to come out and visit!

Debbie said...

Hi Becca,

I saw Lauren the other day when I was dropping off Jessica. She is too cute!

We added you guys to our friends on our blog: