Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh the joys of apartment living!!

As we are in the process of looking to buy a house in Utah...I must say today I am very thankful to be an apartment renter I know strange it may seem. but this morning Gerry and I were awaken by our little Lauren, "EWE disgusting!" Lauren said "What it is?" I asked still half asleep. "The baby spit up!" as Lauren was tip toeing out of our bedroom doorway. "What" That got me awake since the baby was laying in bed with me. As I looked down from my bed to see our entire master bath, bedroom, closest dining room, and hall closet ...flooded!! Yes soaking wet!! I will spare you the details and pictures...but as my entire master closet and hall closet sit in my living just a walk way and 1/2 couch, with 5 fans blowing my ripped up carpet...I am so thankful to be renting!! I can't imagine how different my feelings would be about the mess we are living in if it also was leaving a dent in my checking account. I am so excited to buy a home...but oh the benefits of renting! :) At least I will have to remind myself this in a couple days when I hear the upstairs teenagers jumping off their couch!! What a happy day!


Mikesell Family said...

OK Becca....where are you living? I hear you're here, but I haven't seen you yet! Are we gonna get together or what?!? I can't wait to see that little baby of yours!

Clements Family said...

Oh Becca, I would just cry! Even if it is a rental! I am sorry!!!

McKee said...

Good luck on buying a house, I hear there are a lot of good ones out there.

Heather said...

So sorry! I got to hear all the details of it from Gerry to Mike to me. I think about this same thing sometimes. It sucks spending money on a house. It seems like there is always something that needs to be taken care of. I really am not trying to convince you that a house is a bad idea, you need to come to Utah!! Soon.

AngiDe said...

oh no!! what an awful thing to wake up to! good luck with the clean up and the house shopping ;)

Nick and Amera said...

We are renters and we've had floods and I thank the Lord it wasnt coming out of our pocket. However, when we're done with school, we will buy a house and im scared of what might happen then!! although, that hardly happens to something you invest in and own!!! We should get together! I hope your doing well!!!

the andersons said...

I am so sorry about your flood! What a nightmare- esp with the new baby!! Tell Gerry that Adam says hi too :) Best of luck with the househunting. Can't wait to hang out...