Zach started 3rd grade yesterday! Ahh! I can't believe my baby is in 3rd grade. When I was lacing up his new school shoes I couldn't believe how big they were. Where has the time gone! He is growing up so fast! Lauren and I were sad to see him go back. The house is awfully quiet with Lauren in preschool and now Zach in school! I am excited for Zach to get back into the school thing and make new friends! He will do great! and it's always fun to see the growth with each year! WE LOVE YOU ZACH and are so HAPPY your ours!!
Oh my goodness...he looks so stinkin' old! I can't believe it!
wow time goes by so fast! I found a picture of Zach when he was a newborn and I was visiting you. I can't believe he is that old! What a beautiful family you have! I can't wait to see your new addition! I want to see cute pictures of you too! ;)
Becca, I cannot believe how much he has grown since he was baptized. What a change in him. He is such a handsome young man. You have a lot to be proud of, he is so wonderful. And Lauren too, she is adorable. We want to come and see you then, I can help you with the blanket in person. We were talking about someitme in October. I will let you know.
Wow...he has grown up! What a cute kid. He looks so old!
I know...can you believe our boys are in 3rd grade? So crazy!
He has grown up so much! Both he and Lauren are so cute. How are you feeling? We are excited for your new addition...how fun for you all.
Becca, your the best. I love keeping in touch with you, you have always been such an amazing example to me. I am more than grateful for your friendship. I love keeping in touch! Your kids....BEAUTIFUL! Lauren is such a doll and Zach is sooooo handosme! wow, both your kids are in school and are busy! what to do!!!!! I cant believe your almost due! wow, that went fast!!! how are you feeling and doing? When I come out to Cali one of these days I will come see you! I want to live out there so bad! I keep telling nick!! miss you girl
What a cute young man! And your little preschooler is a doll! Hope #3 is treating you well in the womb :)
Great soccer pics too.
We missed you at the reunion!
your kids are so cute. I can't believe how big they are all getting. I wish you could have made the reunion, we missed you. when are you coming out next.
they are soo cute! we sure do miss you guys! cute wallpaper by the way!
The kids are so big!! I can't believe Lauren is a preschooler- it seems like she was just in nursery with me :) Cute blog! I can't wait to see more pictures!
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