Monday Lauren started preschool. She loved it! I was a bit nervous because ever since I have talked about her going to preschool she has said, "I go preschool ALL by MYSELF?!?" Last year we did a mommy and me preschool...so this year would be some change. Once she got her Tinker Bell "pack pack" (aka back pack) she has been thrilled. I think meeting her teacher Miss Lesly, at orientation also helped. With pack pack in hand Lauren walked in and didn't turn back! She was so brave and loved every minute! I thought I was going to be sad...of course I missed her. but I was just so proud of my little baby girl!! Who is growing up!! She brings so much joy to our lives! and I am just so happy to have her in our family!

The highlights in Lauren's 1st day of preschool were:
playing on the playground, painting with her favorite colors, reading books, singing songs, snack time, and she was good, "Mom I only did good things...not bad things!" You could say the day was a success!!

***ANYONE that can help...why are my pictures crappy on my blog? Do I need to resize them before uploading!? It's ticking me off. They look good normally just not on the blog. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!