I had an eye appointment right after dinner, so I left dinner uncleaned and kids unbathed. Gerry had to do some work, from home tonight, so I figured he wouldn't be able to clean up. I came home to my kids running out of bed where they were supposed to be sleeping, after many hugs and kisses, I had the kids in bed. As I did the dishes I had....
10 times the kids came out for a drink
5 times the kids came out to blow their nose
1 time I take the night light out of room
2 times I attempt to threaten the door shut...I should learn just to do this for good!
3 times a kid comes out to tattle on the other for some odd reason
1 time one kid throwing up...just acid reflex...more like spit up...can handle that.
1 time a kid complaining of having a nightmare about her ear...however was never asleep
and another 3 times kids coming out for drinks
might I add each time a hug and kiss in between...and starting to use my louder than a 12 inch whisper! :)
just when I think they are in bed for good... Gerry who is listening to music via headphones doing his work on the lap top...sings at the top of his lungs.
Are you kidding me!! What a nightmare...is this only the Lind household? It's time for a new routine!
**Okay maybe that many times the kids came out for drinks is 1/2 truth, but it sure felt like it. and the rest is the full truth!
Oh I get so frustrated with bed time. This is what our house is like every night. If you come up with a good routine, let me know.
That is so our house. epically with balilee. in our old house I had the locks switched around so I could lock the doors on the other side. I only had to do it once for like a half hour. and She was pretty good after that. I just had to threaten to lock the door. I know that sounds so mean, but it worked for me. I should do it again, because now I'm totally dealing with the same problem.
I was totally laughing reading this post because it sounds just like our house.
hahaha, Im trying hard not to laugh. the way you write just cracks me up! Ok, so Im dreading the day that this turns into my house. For now I just have a toddler who comes in and out saying "it scared me." What scared you??? Usually nothing. kids will do ANYTHING to distract bed time. Oh if they only knew how lovely bed time really was? Man, Im not trying to sound like a perfect child, but as a kid, I LOVED bed time. I loved getting in my jamma's and crawling into bed. What is with kids now days?? how do we make it a fun thing to stay in bed? If you ever have any ideas pass em this way. The only thing that has kept McCoy in his bed is putting the computer in his room with a movie on. Its a horrible habbit, but after he's in bed, I need my space and time, and that calls for desperate measures. With this routing though, I must admit, he's usually snoring with in 10 mins. WORKS FOR ME! Ok, done wiht the novel...but maybe my suggestion might help ya :) Love you lots!!!
Oh Becca! I am sorry, but it is a little funny! I hate nights like that! I think everyone has nights like that every once in a while, so you are not alone!!
I am so with you. Just when I think the day has gone smoothly it starts with these routines. Aren't you glad you can look back and laugh after its over and they are really asleep.
Way to take care of your family!!
Oh man, that's funny. I experience something similar...and I only have one kid ;)
We have a similar problem. The kids all use the bathroom before they go to bed and about 1/2 hour later they all need to use it again. I hate bed time.
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