I can't believe we have been home a week now! Life has been busy. Gerry and I finally got to take a vacation other then to Utah! As much as I love Utah...Hawaii was absolutely fabulous. We flew out early morning on the 17th and flew into O'ahu and spent the day in Honolulu at Waikiki Beach and just hung out. We were overwhelmed with how busy it was and thought it was an upscale LA. We flew out that night to the island of Kauai, also known as The Garden Island. Which exactly what it was. Covered completely with beautiful scenery. Once we got there we decided this was our kind of vacation. There is a rule on the island that no buildings can be built bigger than a palm tree. Also Kauai is a very small island...you can drive around it in 2 1/2 hours. It was absolutely amazing. If you have never been then you MUST go! We stayed up in Princeville area, which is on the North Shore if you are familiar with the island. It was gorgeous! We hit as many beaches as we could. Some days we would beach hop, others hang out at our favorite ones. It's funny because one morning while eating breakfast we were watching Good Morning America and it was naming Americans most beautiful beaches. And ranked #2 was Hanalei Beach, Kauai Hawaii. That day we were laying out on that beach! Crazy huh? It was the most relaxing vacation ever. One day we did do a little work... we went on a kayaking/hiking tour. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. We started with a 45 min. kayaking then hiked 30 mins up to a beautiful waterfall, had lunch, then kayaked back 45 mins. It was so stinking fun. We also rented snorkeling gear and enjoyed seeing the fishes. Gerry is more expert in this area...and went out a lot further in the ocean then I did. He actually got to see a bunch of sea turtles, 2 different times. He said it was so cool to just sit there and watch them eat, and swim to the top for air. I took his word for it. I was too chicken to go out that far! It was tons of fun! Our absolute favorite thing was to eat their famous shaved ice w/ macadamia nut ice cream on the bottom (yum) and layout, read, listen to music, and enjoy the beautiful beaches! Our last day we flew back to Honolulu and went to lunch and did some souvenir shopping and went to see Pearl Harbor, we didn't go in because it was Memorial weekend...packed...but we enjoyed the beautiful sunset there and then had an overnight flight back to LA. It was perfect. and a much needed vacation. Thanks to Grandma Lind for making it possible and coming out and taking care of Zach and Lauren. Who thought they were on vacation too, with all the fun they had with Grandma and Aunt Rhiannon!! What a great time. We will be back...it honestly is the most beautiful place. Love it! It was also great to have sweet Zach and Lauren's hugs when we got home!! Here are some pictures from our vacation. I took over 300...I just couldn't get enough!!
**Sorry pictures look like crap on the slide show. Just on the slide show not sure why they are so grainy!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Zach! You are the best boy ever! Thanks for coming to our family! I love you!
Love, Mom
Gerry and I were on vacation for Zach's birthday so no pictures of his birthday...yet. He was lucky to be able to celebrate with Grandma Lind and Aunt Rhiannon while we were away! but we are celebrating today!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day Treasure
So I have to share my sweetest Mother's Day gift from Zach. He made me a cute book at school. He couldn't wait to give it to me. It was so cute how excited he was about it. He didn't want to keep a secret...so he told me, "I made you a book, but I am just not going to tell you what it is!" I was laughing. And with no surprise it was adorable. My favorite part is the question that asks, if your mom had $100 what would she buy? He said, "a van!" Haha. I Love my precious book.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Even better!
Okay this one is so much better! After watching this I decided I {heart} Edward! I think he will be great! Ahh and cannot wait! I am just realizing it doesn't come out until Dec. What? This will be replayed lots! Until then...ENJOY!!
Twilight in HD
(thanks Betsy! I am a video thief!)
Twilight in HD
(thanks Betsy! I am a video thief!)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
AHHHH!!!! Here is a preview of Twilight...I am so excited!! I can't wait! What do you ladies think??
Thanks Desi for the video!
Thanks Desi for the video!
Monday, May 5, 2008
My Sweet Kids!!
Zachary Gerald Lind
1. Zach is such a social guy! Since he was a baby he would go to anyone! I remember shopping at the store and a lady walked by while he was in the cart and he couldn't even talk...but he started reaching for her. He honestly just loves people. His first word was even "hi". Not mama. "Hi". He loves to make new friends. Whether it be the store or the park, he is always looking for someone to be his friend. When he was little and I would take him to the park and if when we pulled up there were no kids, he would say lets go to another park with kids! He loves people! and loves to make friends!
2. He has such a tender little heart! Honestly... I am not just saying this. He is always trying to help people. Just the other day we were at Rubio's and the guy in front of us came to get his food and couldn't carry it all. So Zach asked if he wanted him to carry it for him. (The guy of course looked at him like he was crazy...rude guy) But Zach just wanted to help! I love that. Also my favorite story is when Zach was around 4 years old. My sister Malinda took Zach to the park and Zach was playing and saw this kid that needed help, so he ran over to help him. Then came back and told my sister that the Holy Ghost told him to help that kid. I just love what a sweet boy he is! He is so thoughtful and caring!
3. Zach loves games. He LOVES video games. He could play all day, everyday! We used to let him play a lot. but realized that if he wasn't playing he was talking about playing. He even reads the video game insert. It's hilarious! So now it's more of a reward for him to get to play. (If he is nice at church! and doesn't' get in trouble at school!) It's funny because he will play the full 10-12 hour drive from CA to UT on his Nintendo DS...no problem. He loves to have anyone watch him play. And if he can't play, he would be completely content just watching you play. He LOVES his games. We have got him now more into board games and sports and told him too much Nintendo will turn his brain to mush. We wouldn't want that to happen!
Lauren Lucille Lind
1. Lauren is truly our little princess! She loves everything girly! and is a true girl. At age 2 she loves to shop, loves shoes, loves jewelry, and everything pink. I always wanted a girly girl to be my little shopping buddy. I honestly didn't train her this way. It's funny, I didn't know at this young of age you could be so girly! She is! She wears dress up high heels all through the house...and would wear them out if I let her. She actually is better at walking and running in high heels then I am! She loves to raid my purse and take my receipts and put them in her purse. Too bad she is learning to fill the purse like her mother. I better start keeping a clean purse!
2. Lauren is very opposite from Zach in the social aspect. It's so funny how different they are. She is a complete mama's girl. When she was a baby, I thought it was so cute that she wanted me, and that she would cry for me. But that soon became not so cute, when Gerry insisted I take her everywhere, because the screaming was too much!! She has grown out of the attached to me thing. but still is very shy. It makes me feel safer knowing that she won't just go to anyone. She is getting braver. She now will go actually go to nursery at church. Yeah! But I do like knowing that I am important to her!
3. Lauren LOVES her brother Zach! And he adores her! Her 1st word wasn't mama either! It was "ZACH!" She wakes and looks for her buddy Zach. They get along great...most of the time! They are 4 years apart, and I wasn't sure how it would be when they were little. (my sister and I are 4 years apart and really close...so I didn't worry too much) Lauren does everything Zach does. She copies every move. At times it causes problems because she wants everything he has. She recently started enjoying Zach's boy cartoon shows. and now is also a Ben 10 and Avatar fan (tv shows). It's pretty funny how girly she is but runs around playing guns with him. She wants to be just like her big brother! Just last night, the cutest thing ever...Gerry was tucking them in bed (great daddy) and said to Zach, "Your a good guy Zach." and Lauren perked up and said, "me good guy, me good guy!" Yes she is also a good guy too!
I am so blessed with 2 of what I think are the best and cutest kids! I love my kids so much. I can't imagine my life without them! They make me smile and laugh all day long! They are mine and Gerry's greatest joy! I remember when I was young saying I never wanted kids! (I was too scared of the pain! :) ) They are worth everything and more!! My kids have changed my life! I never imagined motherhood so great! But now I know and wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!!!
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