Lauren is such a girly girl...that I love. She does however have a big brother to influence her...just a tad. You can usually find Lauren all dolled up in her princess gear usually chasing Zach and the neighborhood boys around with swords and guns. Love that she is so versatile! I was going through pictures and found this one of Lauren's princess toys sharing their dresses with Woody, bugs and alien friends! This just made me laugh! I remember back in Nevada finding these toys Lauren had dressed up! She makes me laugh! As much as I love my kids, I miss when they were just little people...still little people but you know what I mean. I hate to see them grow up! I need to be better at enjoying them now...stop worry about little things! and of course always cherish the sweet memories! (Nov. 2009- Lauren age 4)
That's so cute! I wonder what our boys are going to be playing with having older sisters!! I love the new background!
hey there!!! I feel soooo bad that i didn't get a chance to talk to you last night...so sorry hope you all are doing well and it was good to see your cute kiddies!
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