However after I got in the car and said the title of what our new friend produced, a u-turn was quickly made by Gerry. He said my 1st clue was the dog on the cover...I guess Marley and Me is a kids movie. I thought with Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston it would be good. Gerry has decided that he will be the one to visit our new friend! Either way we are happy about our new friend...Red Box. (California never had these.)
I know lame post....just wanted you all to know we are alive and well and hot here in Vegas!!
I am glad you posted! Marley and Me is so not a kids movie. I hope you watched it! And I hope you use free codes too. BREAKROOM always works. And sign up for free movie monday on their website.
LOL!!!you kill me..oh bec I am glad you made it how was the move?
I love the red box I swear we rent movies at least once or twice a week..I am glad you guys made it safe love ya
I was wondering when you were going to update. Red box is pretty sweet huh?! Hey I think I might need a trip to Vegas...maybe we can meet up.
Ok I'm really pathetic, but congrats on your pregnancy, can't wait to hear more about it! AND, wow, you moved to VEGAS! Crazy! Zach and Lauren are adorable as ever, it looks like you're doing well!
Well thats just pathetic! We havent moved and we have some friends and red box is our best friend! So what's our excuse???? You are new to a place, so you have an excuse for renting movies all the time! Now I feel like more of a loser! I loved the movie marley and me, but its not a kids movie. I loved it!!! Becca, how are you??? how are you feeling and doing??? write me an update!!! I love you and miss you!!
Kyle and I NEVER go to the movies anymore so we have become pretty close to the Redbox too! What a great establishment...$1!
Oh hi! I don't live in a new state and the Red Box is one of my BEST FRIENDS! Seriously who can complain, a buck for two hours of complete entertainment!
Kids movie... Who told you that? We loved it even Jonathan. You better make another u turn and go get it back! I hope you like you knew home, I know how that feels, atleast you can drive home and visit on the weekends.
Becca, I can't believe you moved! I haven't blogged since January so I just saw that you are pregnant, too! Big changes for you guys! Congrats! I'll start blogging again so we can keep in touch better! Miss you!
Gotta love the redbox! Don't worry we were great friends with Redbox even when we lived in Utah! After buying 2 suits from Motherhood Maternity that I hate, I finally found this one at that I love at Target. I have tweo friends here that are prego and we all randomly ended up with that same black suit. I love it cuz it fits well and is plenty long without being too frumpy. Anyway, good luck swim suit shopping is bad enough- but being prego adds a whole new twist!!!! hee hee
You moved?! Did you buy a house there? I'm sure it is really hot. How is your pregnancy going?
Glad you made it ok. I kept checking, just to see when you would post.
When do you find out the sex of your baby...or are you keeping it a surprise?
Okay so I swear I have looked and looked on your blog and it doesn't say when your due? does it, so when are you due and when do you find out what it is?
Thats so funny we were the same but with a girl, we were like crap what do we do if it's a boy. We were at a loss for a boys name when we were pregnant with Addi too. Her name is going to be Halle but we are still deciding on a middle name either Shay after me Allyse after my sister or Ann after his siter. Tell me what one you think goes best. Can't wait to find out what your having, were your first two pregnancy's very different? Whats your guess?
Red box is Tyler's good friend and I think he goes a little overboard with the free codes. Marley & Me made me want a dog for about 5 seconds :)
I'm sure you guys will find great friends in no time. We need to come visit! Hope your pregnancy is going well!
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