So having a baby just wasn't exciting enough...we thought we needed more to add to this year. Well Gerry got a good job offer in Las Vegas that we couldn't pass...so we are moving in like a month. That is right... we are going to Vegas baby!! Crazy huh? It still hasn't quite registered...way to much excitement for me! We are excited, but of course we will miss many things about CA. And change is always a bit scary for me! So if anyone knows of good area's to live in Vegas...please do share!! And for sure come visit!
WAHOO! We are SO excited for you guys! That is only like 6 hours away. Congrats Gerry, you will do fantastic! Kyle said Hendersen is a really good place to live (lots of members there). : )We will definitely be seeing more of you guys...yay!
Wow, that will be great for you gusy to be closer to your family! Congrats to Gerry!
Becca I am so excited for you! I think it will be fun to be closer. I think we should take a girls trip to come visit you!:)
Yea for Vegas! I am with Betsy...that was my first thought, girls trip! I am glad you will be closer...especially with the new baby. I bet your family is thrilled!
hey becca..hey so i talked to my friend and she is going to email me the areas for you to look..she did mention hendersen..anyhow as soon as i get it i will forward it to you..when you do leave?? i need to get your email address so i can forward it on to you! how exciting...i love vegas...next time i am in vegas i will have to give you a ring and have little gavin meet little lauren!!:)hahahaha plus conner and Zach i know would be instant friends...they have alot of similiraties(shoot i cant spell for the life of me)..anyhow..yeah to new adventures!
hey again...hey so my friend emailed me the areas for you to look at...i have it so i just need your email address to send it to you...i will also try you on facebook and see you i can copy and paste it to you through that..let me know if you get it..see ya later preggers:)
How fun for you!! Just think how much closer you will be to your family! Driving to SLC will seem like nothing after driving from CA. :) Maybe I will actually get to see you some time! Good luck with all the packing/unpacking, if I was closer I would help. I am a expert mover after all the experience I've had. :)j/k
What an exciting new adventure. That will be so nice to be closer to the family. I hope all goes well with finding a place to live. Good luck!!
All I can think of is...
pregnant, Summer, Las Vegas,
THOSE THREE WORDS SHOULD NOT GO TOGETHER, EVER! I wish you the best of luck!!!!
I am so excited for you when are you guys moving down here? let me know I want to come see you..And plus you get to be close to your family that's such good news..
Well I'm glad I finally decided to join the blogging world again and find out your good news! Congratulations!
Congrats! That is fun, I have a friend there who is buying a house for 80 grand because of the market. Hopefully you can get a great deal! :)
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